Monday, December 22, 2008

Seems I've Hardly Been Away

.... back at work once again.

(If you haven't stopped by lately I'd suggest you scroll back a couple of posts to check out Kel's 'Aussie Christmas' guest post.)

For the last few days here it has all been about the weather, and how!! The sight of snow blowing horizontally past the windows becomes hypnotizing after awhile. And even while it is blowing about it still piles up and needs to be cleared so I have all the subsequent aches and pains that go with that sort of grunt work; Lynda too. On Thursday we had a few inches on the ground - tonight, pulling out of the drive I had to be careful because the snow was piled higher than I could see out of the car. The good news is that the plows, sanding and salting crews did a good job despite all the drifting and largely the roads are pretty good.

My Xmas shopping is done!! Woo-Hoo!! I only have Lynda to buy for and I made it out Saturday afternoon to cover that off. I hope she's happy with her variety of small gifts. During that excursion I made a quick stop at the liquor store - here they are all government run - and was surprised at all the new product on the shelves since I stopped drinking. I was like a kid in a candy store wandering up and down the aisles - ooooo, that looks tasty. It wouldn't take me long to get into a pack of trouble there, I tell ya.

I think I've mentioned here before about a friend of mine who is a documentary film producer / director / writer. Seems each time something of hers airs I'm at work so I emailed her asking that she drop DVD's of a couple of her latest productions with a common friend. I arrived at work tonight and found them waiting for me. Cool; I'll have plenty of time this week to check them out.

We won't have any kids around this Christmas and I think that is the primary reason I haven't much enthusiasm for the season this year. That and the fact it's a typical work week; no break. Two of Lynda's sons are coming over for an early dinner Xmas day and that'll be the extent of it. Then I come to work..... If we see #1 g'son Owen it won't be until the weekend.

Work is good - a good group of guys in-house. Quiet, just the way I like it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh snow, we never get snow here. We did get 3 inches in 1985 and the town was cut-off for a week. No joke. I hope work stays nice and quiet. Quiet is good!

6:15 PM, December 22, 2008  
Blogger Norm said...

You are making me jealous - whatd'ya mean no snow??

We don't typically get storms back-to-back like this, T.G. Just enough time between to clear things up before the next one hit.

Toronto's mayor embarrassed us all a few years ago by calling in the armed forces to clean up after a particularly bad one. It'll take a generation to forget the shame of that.

For work to be this quiet is very unusual but hey!! I'll take it while it lasts.

1:08 AM, December 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No kids in my house this year, either, Norm. In fact, I was puzzled about why I was in such a foul mood earlier today (going back and forth between anger and weepiness). Then my husband remarked a few minutes ago, "This is our first Christmas Eve without kids."

Doh! Of course! No wonder I'm all out of sorts. But we did have them all here over the weekend so I can't be too weepy about it. :)

7:25 PM, December 24, 2008  
Blogger Norm said...

Our plans have finally been finalized - we will have one child in the house later today. My stepson's girlfriend's daughter who is just 5. Something as simple as that will make my day.

Funny how we can sometimes be unaware of what is working on us until someone makes a chance but perceptive comment. M the elder is a wise man.

11:11 PM, December 24, 2008  

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