Monday, April 27, 2009

Good Intentions

Really, I did..... intend to write tonight. But I got hung up catching up on all the blog posts of friends and following trails ad infinitum. Mea culpa.

Yesterday, Saturday, was beautiful here. Sunny and verging on hot at 25C (which if memory serves is around 80F). I spent the day outside in the yard, cleaning up the garage and sorting out my tool box, and BBQ-ing for our company that arrived part way through the afternoon. Then Lynda and I had a quiet evening checking out episode 4 of 'Spectacle', Elvis Costello's interview and music show. This one was with James Taylor and once again was quite good. (My memory is fuzzy but I think it's being broadcast in the US on the Sundance Channel.) I missed the debut show with Elton John and Elvis' wife Diane Krall but did see #2 with the Police, and #3 featuring singer-songwriters Kris Kristofferson, Roseanne Cash, John Mellancamp and Norah Jones. From posts I've seen I understand the series has already shown in the UK and Australia.

In reference to an earlier post, my niece lasted 2 days and 1 night at the detox before begging, pleading and promising anything to her Mom in order to get out of there. Too much 'dead time' doing nothing and too many creepy people for her liking. She's over the acute stage of withdrawal and is continuing well at home. She and I have had a couple of chats on the phone and she says she never wants to take another pill in her lifetime. Good attitude! Once she is over the worst she has a standing invitation to go stay with her brother out west in order to get away from her connections. The plan is to head there in a few weeks.

Re: an even earlier post - I did finally get out the markers I had bought and doodled around for an hour or two to try to try and get loosened up a bit. Checking out the colours and seeing what happened when they were overlayed. I'm not sure they are what I was looking for as you can't lighten a dark colour when you draw over it - it just becomes more opaque and darker still. We'll see; I have to get used to the limitations and play some more. I haven't been able to track down my India ink and pens yet so there might be a trip to an art supply store, in store. Came up with a few of my brushes though! Must get going on some line drawing.


Anonymous lea kelley said...

Will we be seeing photos of your art?

1:29 PM, April 28, 2009  
Blogger Norm said...

There are a couple of criteria that would have to be met first: It would have to worth sharing, as in 'good enough'; I would have to be both brave and (possibly) stupid.

But the short answere is 'likely'. Thanks for asking Lea.

2:08 PM, April 28, 2009  

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