Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pardon My Absence

Things are good mostly.... except these last couple of nights back here at work I've had a couple of my minor type seizures. Nothing to worry about but they do leave me tired, sometimes nauseous and more than a little 'brain-dead'. (Not really conducive to writing.) Lynda would say that's my normal condition but hey!, that's another story. Anyway, after a couple of months seizure free it looks like I'm into another 'cluster' period. C'est la vie; it won't last long.

Like I said things are good. Last week was a good one in that I got caught up on a lot of chores around the house plus I banked some quality sleep time. Like 8 or 9 hours most every night - unheard of!! Part of what I accomplished was getting some of the house re-arranged after having that flooring installed. Some pieces of furniture were too heavy to move around myself so two of Lynda's sons lent a hand on Saturday. We (meaning at Lynda's discretion) are adding an item at a time to each of the bedrooms to see what fits and what doesn't. Yeah, we've moved our bedroom back up to the main floor from the basement. I did like the basement room as it is so large and it is really good for daytime sleeping but upstairs is workable. Full sensory deprivation works - eye mask and ear plugs. Must get a picture of that - not!

Over the weekend I caught the second episode of 'Spectacle'; hosted by Elvis Costello and co-produced by Elton John. Elvis' guests were 'The Police' who he interviewed separately and then briefly as a group before they played a couple of songs at the end. Elvis proved to be an engaging host and creditable interviewer. Both guitarist Andy Summers and bassist Sting came off well; drummer Stewart Copeland not so much. Copeland seemed to be trying too hard and attempting to be the dominant personality. A good hour long show.

The raccoon.... mentioned seeing him the other night. The following night I had just stepped out the back door, fired up a smoke and he stepped up onto the deck about 15 feet from me. Headed straight for me - curious not aggressive - and I was back in that door, cig in hand, in about half a second. I beat it through the house to a front door out onto the front veranda to finish the smoke while keeping an eye out for him. Half an hour ago - same thing... he has no fear of humans it appears or else the smoke police have him on duty.

I picked up on a quiz from a blogfriend's Facebook page - Which Beatles Song Are You? - and who'da thunk it. I'm 'Strawberry Fields' and it apparently says this about me.
You are a true bohemian. You are profoundly creative and have the gift of intellectual comprehension. You live in an emotional world and tend to be a loner. Avoid the tendency to become self-absorbed and nihilistic..
Hmmm... must ruminate on that one.. and obsess, by myself, while painting and reading Nietzsche at the same time. Wanna share my granola??

For now that's all the news that fits. Later.....


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