Bwwaahhaaaahh!!! Made ya look!
So much for truth in advertising.... a guy I knew slightly back in high school was a member of a band by that name. They toured for years back and forth across this province playing to all sorts of rooms, large and small. Imagine, on road-side signs and club marquees, "Saturday night at 9:00 on our stage - Live Sex Show!!!" They were always assured of having 'perverts row' filled to capacity and even got some of the moral majority crowd out making sure there was no 'live sex show' happening. Senility must be setting in; I've no idea what brought that to mind but thought I'd share it.
I'm back at work tonight though I'm not feeling 100% great about being here. These last few days have proven to be the greatest amount of time I've spent at my place since I moved there last July. Strange times, too. I'd be up for 6 or 8 hours, get tired and be back in bed for 8, 10, 12 hours at a stretch. Get back up, eat, drink, noodle around on the computer, watch some crappy tv, get weary and head back to bed. Very disorienting time-wise -- nice that I wasn't really tied to the clock.
Earlier tonight I did something I hadn't done for quite awhile - spent about an hour on the line with a woman seeking treatment for her ongoing abuse of alcohol. (The phone lines go hot and cold; sometimes you'll have a rash of calls in a short period of time, then they go quiet for awhile.) She was alternating between being together and lucid, then getting very upset, crying and incoherent - full of shame, dread and frustration. I was able to get her to copy down some info to follow up on later today and settle her enough that she thought she'd be able to get some rest.
So much for truth in advertising.... a guy I knew slightly back in high school was a member of a band by that name. They toured for years back and forth across this province playing to all sorts of rooms, large and small. Imagine, on road-side signs and club marquees, "Saturday night at 9:00 on our stage - Live Sex Show!!!" They were always assured of having 'perverts row' filled to capacity and even got some of the moral majority crowd out making sure there was no 'live sex show' happening. Senility must be setting in; I've no idea what brought that to mind but thought I'd share it.
I'm back at work tonight though I'm not feeling 100% great about being here. These last few days have proven to be the greatest amount of time I've spent at my place since I moved there last July. Strange times, too. I'd be up for 6 or 8 hours, get tired and be back in bed for 8, 10, 12 hours at a stretch. Get back up, eat, drink, noodle around on the computer, watch some crappy tv, get weary and head back to bed. Very disorienting time-wise -- nice that I wasn't really tied to the clock.
Earlier tonight I did something I hadn't done for quite awhile - spent about an hour on the line with a woman seeking treatment for her ongoing abuse of alcohol. (The phone lines go hot and cold; sometimes you'll have a rash of calls in a short period of time, then they go quiet for awhile.) She was alternating between being together and lucid, then getting very upset, crying and incoherent - full of shame, dread and frustration. I was able to get her to copy down some info to follow up on later today and settle her enough that she thought she'd be able to get some rest.
I have to admit...
That post title DID catch my attention. LOL!
I hope you're feeling 100% better soon.
Yeah, it was time for some fun, a little rubber-necking 'say what?'.
And I'm working on me...still stuffed and weary tho. Taking things v e r y easy.
that story made me laugh
and i can commiserate with feeling stuffed and weary - hope you're back to 100% real soon
Always glad to bring a smile or a laugh to a friend.
A little better tonight...
I can relate to that odd, surreal quality of being in and out of sleep at strange hours. I've spent months that way, and was glad to find re-entry into the real world.
The 'Live Sex Show!' is a clever gimmick. They do the same sort of thing on blogs. I have a misleading post titled 'Horny Girl in G-String' which consistently draws a perv demographic.
Ever notice there seems to be a distinctly male bias differential to the perv demographic?
and that the pervs are shunned just as effectively by the rest of the male population as they are by most women?
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