Thursday, August 23, 2007

Extended Family

I don't know the proper terminology for this one - (perhaps 2nd cousin twice removed??) - my mother's cousin's daughter, S and I grew up knowing each other as cousins. At different stages of our lives, especially when we were between relationships, we've been very close. 20 odd years ago if one of us needed a 'date' for an occasion we knew we had someone to fill in and we always enjoyed those outings. S has run her own practice for the last 20 or so years and specializes in anger management therapy. We haven't seen much of one another in the last number of years but have kept in touch by email and I've referred a couple of clients her way. Tonight we arranged a long overdue day together for next week.

Hers is quite a story. S had quit school quite young in order to marry but the marriage lasted just a couple of years. She worked hard at a variety of jobs until she made it into a quality job with a prominent firm. Everyone thought she had it made; that her hard work had paid off. The thing was that she wasn't happy with the type of work and when she quit the job so she could go back to school in her mid 30's everyone thought she was crazy. She got a degree in psychology and has taken umpteen courses since to go with it - one very sharp lady.

S is also quite beautiful. Not cute, nor pretty. Think model / movie star / jaw dropping beautiful. The thing that nails my feet to the floor every time is her eyes. Grey with flecks of violet. Eyes that truly see. When she asks how you are and fixes you with those eyes its as though she can look through your pupils and scan your brain. She claims to be able to see peoples auras; I believe her. She has read me a few times and scared the bejesus out of me with what she's had to say. Part witch, I swear.

If she asks how you are, you don't dare say 'fine' cuz she'll tell you what that stands for. I think it's a universal in the english speaking world but especially in counselling - 'fine' means:
F***ed up

Then she'll ask how you really are. Gotta love her. I'm looking forward to seeing her and reconnecting again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget your ole pal JW Norm.

9:59 PM, August 23, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

Not a chance John, if it meant that we would one day be related. Scary thought.....eeesshh!!

10:25 PM, August 23, 2007  

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