Sunday, August 12, 2007

Looking Back...and Ahead

This has been a disjointed week; so much going on personally that I haven't wanted to be at work. All week. And that's a rarity, thank goodness. I suppose we all have an hour or two, or sometimes a day where we aren't into doing what is in front of us to do.

Thankfully the 'house' has quietened with the departure of a couple of high needs clients. The week was relatively uneventful except for having to send one client to hospital who had rushed his withdrawal and went into the acute stage the night after his admission. I thought his heart was going to explode. Oh, and the bus broke down on the way back from a meeting one night.....right at the entrance to a cemetery. The rest of that trip was a quiet one.

Owen's parents arrived unannounced on Friday afternoon and kidnapped their child back. Buggers. They couldn't bear not having him around any longer. On the up side we got lots of shots of him - Lynda has printed a bunch; I'll share a couple here.

Sarah and I were talking last night and Zeph is doing all the things he's supposed to be doing at one week - eating, pooping, sleeping, cooing and crying. Sarah has a couple of post delivery problems that I hope will resolve quickly and painlessly. They are having computer problems and so I have no pictures to share. Sarah is going to an internet cafe Sunday to email some as she did manage to receive my threatening email; she just wasn't able to respond to it.

Before coming to work tonight I found my old SLR and dug out my tripod so I could try some extended exposures to see if I can't get a shot of a meteor or two. Most of the night has been cloud covered but it has just cleared enough that it might work. This first one will be 15 minutes, then I'll try a half hour one. Cross you fingers.

I'm very much looking forward to spending time this week with Russ and his girlfriend. There ought to be a law against being separated from your children for such long periods of time. We aren't good at keeping in touch by phone or email - it tends to be one sided; mine. We both work strange hours on weird schedules so we catch each other at odd times. Being male we also stick to day-to-day factual topics most of the time so we're due for some 'face' time.

I'll be treating this as a week off and I'm not committing to anything but being available for Russ. Plans?? A night out of darts, pool and bowling. Lynda and I will be taking them out for dinner. Over to Mom's. There's a classic car meet and show Russ wants to check out. I know I need to clean up and re-arrange a few things before they arrive - nothing like the last minute. A least I have a beds for them now, one courtesy of friend Terry and an inflatable I picked up earlier today.

Anyone that I correspond with regularly - BJ, fuzzychip - I'll answer when I'm able. JPW - I'm around if you need me; call.

So much for photos. The clouds rolled back in.

I realize this post is choppy - it's a pretty apt reflection of my mind tonight. All over the place and weary. Gotta go - have a great week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think things tend to get choppy when life is so full.


11:07 AM, August 13, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

You seem to be able to keep a good handle on things. You and M have been on steady go for ages. What's your secret??

In my case I don't think the shift work helps at all. Always adjusting back and forth.

2:46 PM, August 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my secret is the BH blog. Starting my morning with that usually keeps me calm. Or at least starts my day off calm. I try to end it that way, too. Anything in between is fair game for choppiness.

My Secret Weapon -- which won't be secret anymore -- is M. We balance out each other's moods somehow or another. Pretty miraculous. :)

Having to adjust to different shifts is almost cruel, if you ask me. It's hard to set your biological clock if you're always changing it. But work is work and you do what you gotta do. (Been there, done that.)

7:45 PM, August 14, 2007  

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