Monday, August 27, 2007

A Funny Thing Happened.....

....on my way home from work. I crashed. But, no, not literally. I was still feeling fairly energetic on the way and had intended to help Lynda with the job we do each weekend. Instead of disturbing the house I parked in the drive at the house, put the seat back to 'rest my eyes' for a few minutes and ..... gonzo. That was at 6:15. I woke at 7:15, the house door was open and lights on so out I got and stumbled into the house. I was stupefied - just like being drunk. Lynda said she'd come out and stood by the car but didn't want to scare the wits out of me so she left me. Needless to say Lynda went off to do the job herself; I climbed into her bed and don't remember my head hitting the pillow. Slept like a king and didn't get up til 3:30.

We had a date to go to the movies tonight and Lynda had picked up steaks for dinner so I barbequed them and off we went after we'd eaten. Rowan Atkinson's 'Mr. Bean's Holiday' had it's share of good laughs. We always enjoyed his TV show and his previous big screen release. We dropped by here to open some windows and get the fans working after the show - good thing cuz it was dead air in here tonight. Lynda needs to be up at 5 so I dropped her home so she could get some rest. I wasn't ready to head back to bed so soon and returned to my place. Hug, kiss, G'night.

As I've sat here working away I've listened to Santana's 'Supernatural' release. Small wonder it was such a huge seller for him - solid, fluid playing from beginning to end; terrific production; good variety of material; great backing players. I haven't seen him perform since the early 80's but caught 8 of his shows previous to that; I'd love to see him once more.

Freedom is ill these days. She's given to occasional off days especially when things are in flux at the house. She doesn't like change. Her temperment remains good but it's evident she doesn't feel herself. Might be time to see the (sshhh) v-e-t. Good puppy! Good girl!!

Just for the heck of it - here's one of Buddy. He'd just been doing the 'karate' thing chasing a bug on the screen but decided to look cool for this shot.

My laundry is done, the bed remade and the sheets are now calling. See ya.


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