Thursday, February 07, 2008

Wild & Wooly

First the music.

Weather-wise this last 24 hours has been nuts, lemme tellya. It started to snow heavily around 2 a.m. last night and by the time I was leaving at 5:30 there was already 4 inches of snow on the ground. I took it easy going home and it took about twice as long to get there compared to usual. Driving in this stuff doesn't bother me but some of the other drivers sure do. They seem to think that because they have powerful vehicles , SUV's or 4 wheel drive it somehow makes them immune to the laws of physics. Duh!

There was a lull through the day while I slept but part 2 of the storm began when I got up for the day. Getting back to work was worse and when I got here called the bus company to cancel our intended trip to an outside meeting. It was being held in a town north and east of here with a lot of twisty, hilly terrain between here and there. I don't think so.....

It was relatively mild earlier - around 0C - but has cooled off considerably now. The snow falls have been coming in waves; sometimes heavy, some light. We have about 10 inches now and drifting in spots to 18. There are a few hours to go before I leave for home so I'm hoping the plows get out, get busy and have the roads clear.

Sister Linda has a post-surgery appointment this morning that I was supposed to stay up and get her to. I think she may have to reschedule that one - it's too distant for these sorts of conditions. I'm regretting now having agreed to drop a client at the train station on my way home. Drat & curses.

Maybe I should go listen to Lena Horne sing some more....hmmm?

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