Family Footprint

I did my overnight shift last night and the snow began to fall just before I was wakened to begin the day; before 6. It has been coming down hard and heavy ever since with strong winds piling it into drifts. The drive home around 10 was sloppy but now at mid-afternoon I'm debating the sanity of trying to drive over to the house in order to spend the night with Lynda. (It's normally a 10 minute drive) Looking out my window at passing traffic people are getting stuck, getting out to help push other cars and slip sliding about - not fun. It might be a good night to stay in with a pot of tea and a couple of good movies or a book.
This morning my boss returned my Johnny Cash book about the apostle Paul - The Man In White - so I may have to parcel it up to send off to cousin BJ. John said he had thoroughly enjoyed it and that it was evident Cash had put a lot of work and study into the writing of it.
Now ...... to pack up and get out in the white stuff .... or stay put. Hmm ... tough call. Did I tell you that Lynda told me 'she loves me' the other night?? She did. I hadn't heard that for an awfully long time.......
What a wonderful family portrait! I love it. :)
Just getting caught up with you again, Norm. Looks like lots has been going on in your life.
I hope you didn't go out in the snow, or if you did, that you arrived safely.
I also hope that cold that has been plaguing you is finally gone.
I'm just getting caught up with myself again, too....crazy times, but not overly so.
The drive was exciting and without problems - it just took twice as long. Gotta watch out for the 'other' guy always.
Feeling a little better every day, thanks.
that is the coolest family portrait ever!
Wow Kel - lavish praise!
A photographer friend of theirs did this and a few others as well as some prego pics. She's good.
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