Monday, April 21, 2008

A Wee Bit Overdue....

Spring time, that is.....

Just a couple of weeks ago we were still freezing our butts off but we seem to have turned the corner now. Saturday evening driving to work was positively HOT!! There has been no time to adjust and let the blood thin. Mine is still the consistency of molasses, fer gawd sakes.

In these parts the very first flowers are blooming - crocuses and daffodils. Tulip stalks are up but I haven't seen any flowers as yet. Buds on the trees are appearing but actual leaves are a long way off. Everything is a good 2 to 3 weeks behind schedule this year.

Here is a sight for sore eyes - green grass!!! Haven't seen that since November when it turned brown; then it was buried for the duration in December with a thick blanket of snow. Awesome!

Yesterday following my service meeting I hooked up with Lynda for the balance of the afternoon, dinner and the evening. This morning I looked after Milo for a few hours and then came back to begin sorting and packing. (I have a very hard time deciding what I really need to keep and what is okay to ditch) I've made some headway; a start. This is break-time... such as it is... before I fire something up for dinner and head off to my regular meeting.

Lynda called awhile ago to see if I want join her driving way across the city tomorrow evening to surprise L'il O and take him out for dinner & have a visit. That's the best idea she's had in ..... a matter of hours. O's mom recently got him registered to start school in the fall. Lord, they get big in a hurry. It doesn't seem that long since he was being carried out of the delivery room for his introduction to 'the world'.

I should have enough time to check a few friend's blogs if I'm quick about it - gotta go.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah.... spring...

and all it entails.
Enjoy your drive/surprise combo.

10:28 PM, April 24, 2008  
Blogger Norm said...

Loving the change in the weather and we had a great time with 'O'. We stayed way too late of course but....

12:43 PM, April 25, 2008  

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