Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh Yeah... About Last Night

Heh, heh..... Geez, I got all excited and had to tell a few friends about it. You see, I have a really hard time finding ANYTHING on TV worth watching so... when I do, I feel I have to tell people.

Scrolling through the cable listings I came across one of those 'The Making Of' shows which happened to be about a CD that has spent an unreasonable amount of time in my car's player these last few weeks. It was one of those 'OMG..... Holy Crap!...... Hallelujah!!' moments.

So, Bryan Ferry (ex of Roxy Music fame) covers Bob Dylan on 'Dylanesque'. The sound used on the TV show was a rough studio mix and not the same as on the CD so I found some vocals and instruments standing out at times. This show is also available as a DVD release (which I just found on Amazon.) According to the credits Brian Eno provides some electronic 'atmospherics' but I didn't see him throughout. I did recognize the bass player as being the guy who recorded and toured with David Gilmour for the 'On An Island' release - Guy Pratt. Other back-up musicians include journeyman Robin Trower on guitar and an apparently VERY young, very talented Oliver Thompson also on guitar. (Ollie turns in some incredibly controlled slide work.) Ferry does a great job on vocals, harmonica and Farfisa organ.

While I've said some less than favorable things about Ferry (on a personal level) in the past he managed to change my mind with the short interview portions between songs. His public persona used to be based pretty much solely on 'image' with a capital 'I'... lots of glam with little seemingly to back it up. I was glad to hear he had a good deal of insightful things to say about Dylan, his music, it's writing and the times it was written in.

Here's a link to the portion of the show where they perform 'The Times They Are A'Changin' as well as a short interview segment.

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