Friday, March 09, 2007

Bits & Pieces

**I keep asking for, and getting, a couple hours off at the beginning of my shifts for one reason or another. It's a good thing I have a decent boss. Most recently it was so that I could take part in a service meeting that our group had been scheduled to put on Wednesday evening at the local detox. Four of us showed to run it and we did most of the 'work' but included a couple of the patients by giving them readings to do. Turned out when I got in tonight that one of the patients was admitted here Thursday a.m.

** Lynda heads off to visit her mother after work tomorrow; she's taking her out to dinner to celebrate her birthday. Lord knows when she may show home. I think the old doll is turning 79(?) My son Russ turns 24 on Sunday out in Calgary.

**Last night got busy for a few hours here with different guests getting up to talk about issues that are coming up for them as they go through treatment. As a result I didn't get to something really important; ordering that Jeff Beck CD. I got online and did that tonight after they'd all gone to bed. (Just kidding about the priorities there)

**The weather has been absolutely frigid for the last six weeks as wave after wave of Arctic air sweeps down from the north. Nighttime lows usually around -20C; daytime highs around -10C. Gusting winds to 75 kph make for -40C windchills. The end may be in sight; the long range forecast is calling for highs around +7C by Tuesday. Bring it on. That will feel like Speedo weather.

**We're changing the clocks to daylight saving time 3 weeks earlier than usual this year; this Saturday night. I think the change was initiated south of the border and we're doing the same to stay in sync.

**I spoke to Sarah a couple of nights ago and she isn't any better. She's being referred to the women's hospital and their ob/gyn dept in hopes they'll have a solution. Sarah is 17 weeks along now. I didn't bother filling her in on the situation with Lynda as I don't know what is going on myself.

**This coming week I think I'll start culling my belongings in to the 'keep, sort later and chuck' piles. One thing I don't know what to do with is the 500-600 vinyl records that have been languishing under the stairs forever. I haven't had an operable turntable for ages but I'd hate to throw them out. The soundtrack to my earlier years and all that.....

**Friday when I get up I'm supposed to be meeting a friend for dinner. I met him through NA about a year and a half ago; he relapsed in the fall, came through here for treatment just before Christmas and recently joined my home group. He's a good guy and it's nice to see him doing well.


Blogger Robin said...

Seems to me ordering a Jeff Beck CD should be a priority. (Kidding!)

I vote that you should keep the vinyl. My husband recently bought a new turntable so we could play the hundreds of albums we own. I didn't think they even made turntables anymore! It's a nice blast from the past, listening to that music. It would cost us a fortune to replace them all on CD so it's nice to have the means to listen to the once again. My husband, the King of Thrift, found the turntable at a good price, too.

1:57 PM, March 09, 2007  
Blogger Robin said...

I'm sorry to hear your daughter is still not feeling well and that things between you and Lynda are still up in the air. :(

I think you're right about the early time change originating here. I never like "springing forward." Not that I don't appreciate the light in the evening, but "losing" that hour always throws me off for a week or so.

2:00 PM, March 09, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

The time change - The MAIN thing is that MY night at work will be an hour shorter; it's all about ME, doncha know? I know what you mean about the adjustment - it always throws me for a bit.

The vinyl - I have 2 sound systems, one of which will take a turntable. It just depends on how things go, where I wind up and the space I have to work with. I'd hate to give them up but I have a couple of audiophile friends who would appreciate them.

10:58 PM, March 09, 2007  

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