Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring is Sprung

I'm glad we didn't have a lot of snowfall this year as it would have meant for flooding with the quick onset of warmer weather. What a swing in temps - up to 14C yesterday. We'll enjoy this hiatus while it lasts; it often snows as late as April 10. (my bro's b'day) I couldn't believe my eyes the other afternoon; I was on the patio and saw a pair of robins out on the greenbelt in back of the house, running around on the patches of grass amongst the remaining snow. During that long cold spell there were entire weeks when I didn't see any sort of bird. I don't know if they left the area or hunkered down somewhere out of the wind but they sure made themselves scarce.

Mom & I spent a couple of hours running around town yesterday and when I got her home I sat her down and told her what's going down with Lynda and I. She took the news pretty well, better than I expected actually - said some supportive sorts of things. I also informed Sarah, Russ and their Mom via email (which may seem kind of strange to some) but I wanted the same message being put out at the same time to all, without the repetition of having different conversations. And with time differences, different work hours and such email made sense.

Sarah tried calling but I'd already left for a meeting and so she sent a lengthy email reply saying that Lynda had been more of a mother (at points) than her own had been and couldn't imagine the family without her. Then off on a tangent.....there are loads of alkies and addicts in Vancouver and agencies to help them who need counsellors like me.......and I could stay with she and Daniel and the baby till I get on my feet. You just never know; basically I'm free to do whatever I want.

The very only thing holding me here is Mom. My sister Linda has lived at Mom's place for the last few years so I'm going to meet her for lunch and see where she's at with that. There are times she doesn't seem happy there and the time may be ripe for a change for her, too. If she should want to move along it's time for me to devote some time to Mom's care. And that would be fine; I love the time we get together - it just hasn't been happening often enough.

So, it's early in the day. I have some calls to make, chores to do and more job searching to do. Oh, and start sorting and packing - a lovely chore in itself. Pitter, patter...better get at 'er.


Blogger Kel said...

living upside down to the rest of the world I have to say Autumn is upon us

glad it's Spring for you though - in your season of new beginnings I wish for you clarity, confidence and charisma - the things that will support you through this time of change

6:01 AM, March 15, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

Hey Kel - good to hear from you and thanks for your good wishes.

You and Mr X must be quite busy; you haven't been posting much. I hope things are going well with the house construction.

I'm enjoying the benefit of good supports here. It seems I have too many options tho and that's making things confusing. Try to keep the house or not, stay here or go west....on and on. Things will sort themselves out.

8:51 AM, March 15, 2007  

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