Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday, Sunday

Hmmm...I said I wouldn't blog repeatedly about this. I's on my mind, sorry.

We talked and agreed we're dead in the water. No hurry to call the lawyers in as we have little money but we'll be listing the house soon, selling, splitting the possessions and going our separate ways.

Thankfully Lynda didn't look as rough today as she did last Sunday and I told her I was glad about that. These aren't pleasant times but there's no need to beat yourself silly with a bottle of rum.

We're having a hard time simply being in one anothers presence so I headed out to a meeting after dinner (well, my breakfast). I imagine I'll be doing a lot of that. The speaker at tonights meeting was the guy I share my job with (I do 7 nights; he does the next 7) and he did a great job. He incorporates a lot of humour in his talk. We do some pretty outlandish things when we're drinking.

I did speak to one gal there who owns a business to feel her out about whether my past work experience is applicable to her needs; it doesn't look likely in that particular case but she has contacts that may be of value to me. I just emailed another friend who works for a huge firm to put the bug in his ear - he hires and fires. Actually we shared a room when we were in treatment; room 6, beds 20 & 21. He hates it when I tell people we've slept together - drives him nuts. "Same room; separate beds!!!!'

Russ's birthday is today and I caught him on his cell as he was driving his Mom home after they'd had dinner together. 24 - that's the age I was when I met his Mom. He's happy and doing well.

Brand new day tomorrow!!


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