Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Everything Else

Insult to injury - In this country, the amount of income tax you pay is interdependent on your spouses income so we had our taxes prepared last week. Lynda owes an additional $700 and me, another $1000. Just what we needed.

Stepson #1, his wife and l'il Owen were supposed to come out last Sunday. They cancelled when they learned late Saturday that a friend had tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head with a nail-gun. He remains in a coma, on life support and is unlikely to regain consciousness. 34 years old.

Stepson #2 has been pre-approved for a mortgage and is busily looking for property he can afford. He has spoken to me more in the last month than he has in the last year.

Stepson #3 moved out last week; he couldn't stand the chaos anymore. Just as well. He's a noisy, sloppy high strung sort of guy who was adding to the tension. We remain on good terms.

Not one of the 3 of them can understand their mother and what she's doing. Period.

I have a meeting tonight before work to get the necessary information to take on that young client. There is some paperwork to hand over, credentials to be checked, agreements to sign, his case file to review. I'm looking forward to the change and challenge. It has my mind back where it's supposed to be; helping others. It involves 10 hours per week of one-on-one counselling specific to his addiction.

There was a return message when I got up today from another local mental health agency in response to a CV submission. I have to call him back when I get up Tuesday to see what's up. I'm hoping they can use me even if it's only on a part-time basis; it'd be a foot in the door.

With a little luck, preparation, work and application of technique I'll have my smoking reduced again quickly. And that may last until week's end when Lynda and I are in one anothers company again. Focus, focus, focus. Kudos to Susan at callinitquits.com for her rich compendium of resources, tips and techniques. Mutual encouragement and support definitely help. Some day that 'one a day' will be your last. (Soon)


Blogger Norm said...

Stepson #1's friend was taken off supports and died early Wednesday.

My meeting went well but not all the info was available for the client. All the agreements and forms got signed so I'm good to go when that happens.

1:13 AM, April 05, 2007  

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