Thursday, March 22, 2007


Notes on a few things I've written about or that have happened lately.

Sister Linda and I had that lunch date and she's happy living with Mom. She doesn't want to be relieved of that responsibility and pointed out that should Mom need some sorts of personal help, it'd be more appropriate (and less embarrassing) for Linda to do that. She also picked up the cheque - atta girl!

The numbers have been crunched and I've given up the idea of trying to keep the house. It's too big for one person; I can't afford it alone; and I don't want to take in boarders. I think I could use some time to myself for a while.

We didn't bother to get a second valuation opinion and signed the listing with the agent late yesterday. Showings start as early as Tuesday. Yikes, lots of clearing out and packing to do.

If the house should sell quickly and I'm able to line up somewhere to move, I think I will take off for a week. Jump in the car, point it down the highway and follow the lines wherever they lead. Motel 6 still has good rates, don't they?? I'm in need of some thing new, fresh on the eyes, a different pace.

One of the counsellors asked what I'm doing in regard to self-care. Hmmm..... distinctly long pause...... well, reading a bit, writing a bit, taking in more meetings that usual, talking stuff out. "How're you eating? Getting any sleep?? Exercising? Relaxing? Having any fun?" Let's see - not much, a little, no, no and no. "You need to get on that before you get good and sick." Okey-dokey. 10-4. Loud and clear.

I'd mentioned the smoking cessation blog It's both a quit diary and terrific source of information. I had a really nice email from Susan today and I wanted to share her final thought here. The Chinese word for crisis - wie die - has dual meaning; both danger and opportunity. There are no coincidences; I needed to hear that today.

Reading for pleasure is something I haven't done a lot in the last few years; I like to but hadn't until a couple of weeks ago. A friend lent me Frank McCourt's 'Angela's Ashes' and I've really enjoyed it. I'm down to the last few pages and don't want it to end. Here are a few that friends have recommended to me lately which are either philosophic or spiritual in nature.
Man's Search For Meaning - Victor E. Frankl
The Four Absolutes - Don Miguel Ruiz
Spirituality of Imperfection - ???

Lynda did wind up going out with her workmates to celebrate her birthday so she and I are going for dinner tonight before we take Mom to the theatre. I can't even remember what the production is; I guess I'll find out when we get there. Strange, I couldn't think of an appropriate gift for Lynda this year. The important thing is that, by the numbers, she's a year older than I am once again. (Ha, ha, ha)


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