Here we go - another try at posting photos. I'll get this down eventually.
In this one we caught Freedom being confused; she thought for a moment that she'd become a cat and figured she'd hang out with Buddy.
This is what our yard will look like again in about 6 weeks. The grape vines fill in completely and there's about 60 metres of greenspace to the treeline.

Owen and I enjoying one anothers company; such a handsome young guy. Getting better all the time. We're supposed to be going to their place when I get up Sunday. (Lord, my forehead is getting bigger all the time)

This is one I'd like to take credit for but Lynda captured it. (dammit) Sunlight was reflected from one of our windshields and cast these shadows of ivy, chimes and bamboo across the living room wall.
Hi, Norm. Love the pictures!!! How's the not smoking going. I tried to send a comment to give you some ideas about quitting, but I don't think they got through. I quit 4 years + ago at the age of 58. All my best - Susie
Hi Susie - Thanks for stopping in and for your commments. Your previous attempt must still be zapping about in cyberspace; it didn't arrive here anyway.
Congrats on your 'quit'. I'm having limited success in even managing to cut down on a day to day basis. Down by a third to a half and that'll have to do for now.
I'd been wondering who my western visitor was - good to meet you.
love the pics
we have a cat and dog too, but they don't usually sit so cosily together like yours do
the greeness of your garden is so appealing
living in the worst drough in Australia in 100 years, any green grass that appears is a wonder
owen looks like a bundle of energy who is the apple of his grandad's eye
as for the artistic shadow pic - love it!
Hi, Norm. I wandered over to your blog from Callinitquits. I had read your comments to Susan and noticed that you have a desire to smoke. I'm an ex-smoker of almost 35 years. I quit in December of 2002, and I can't enough good things about finally having done this. I haven't read through your whole blog yet, but it seems that you are trying to reduce the number of cigarettes per day that you're smoking. From experience and providing support on an on-line smoking cessation forum, I can tell you that this is a fairly uncomfortable and less than successful way to quit smoking. Since you already recognize how support can help you with other kinds of addictions (AA) and personal issues (this blog), you probably won't be surprised to learn that those of us who are addicted to nicotine also benefit from support. Statistically, only 7% of those who quit smoking without some kind of support group will make it to one year without smoking. Unfortunately, unlike support groups for alcohol and other types of drug addictions, there are not a lot of support groups available for nicotine addicts. However, there are many support groups that have sprung up on-line. I got involved with the Smoking Cessation forum on About.com somewhere around the 3rd week of my quit. The support and information was so beneficial that I continue to go there on a daily basis to help others break their dependence on nicotine. Another excellent site is Whyquit.com. I decide to post to your blog to encourage you to seek some type of support so that you can break the cycle that you're in right now with cigarettes. If you decide to visit, just go to About.com and type in "smoking cessation". You'll get to the forum. We're an international group so there's somebody around 24x7. You'll find a variey of background, and there's always someone around who has trod a similar path to yours. You might even consider lurking for a while and reading some of the many articles and success stories to help you make that final step and set a quit date. Wishing you the best.
Hi Kel - I'm looking forward to posting more pics in the near future. There's another one I have in mind taken from a higher vantage point of the yard and beyond that has an even greater range of greens in it.
Poor Freedom gets mauled (in a loving way) by both our cats. Libby is even worse than Buddy for that. Both cats are domestic long hairs; Freedom is part husky and part border collie - very good natured.
I don't have enough words for Owen other than I can't get enough time with him. Quite the character. He's changed a great deal since that pic was taken last fall.
Hi Susie - Thanks very much for all the information; I'll follow up on it soon. As for setting a quit date - I know there's no time like the present but I've a few too many things on my plate right now to give it good focus.
Thanks for your good wishes.
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