Saturday, April 14, 2007

Housing Search

I've checked out quite a number of apartments this week, mostly in the same price range. and have found it surprising the disparity in quality of what is being offered for rent. There have been a couple of older ones that have been long term rentals (20 years) and look like the owners haven't put a dollar back into the properties. I wouldn't leave our pets there never mind take up residence myself. The shortlist came down to two that are newer homes; basement apartments that have walk-outs to the yard. They're both bright, open, clean, finished and freshly painted. The one I wanted most I heard about last night - the present tenant has changed their mind and wants to stay on another few months. They're hanging on to my contact numbers.

There isn't any time pressure to move from here but can't see maintaining how we're getting along for that length of time. To wait out this tenant's time frame would put things in limbo. I could leave my stuff here, operate from my Mom's and move later or store my stuff so Lynda can make a fresh start. We shall see. I'm to hear about my second choice on Sunday. In the meantime I have to keep looking at what is available - it's a crap-shoot. Come on sevens!

I'm hoping to take a time-out this afternoon to check out the opening of a display of photographs at a local gallery. There was an article in the local paper last night that caught my eye and it looks like a 'must see'. It's also a chance to get re-acquainted with the curator; I used to volunteer there helping with installations of new shows - must be 15 or 20 years ago now. Wow. Time flies.

Must go - too many much tings to do, mon.


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