Thursday, April 12, 2007


When I logged on I noticed that this will be my 100th post (although I've deleted a couple over time). So, thanks for sticking around for the ride; things can only get better. I don't know why but gonzo journalist Hunter S Thompson's quote comes to mind, 'When the going gets weird, the weird get going'. That's pretty much what this last 6 weeks has been like; waking up on acid and not coming down - Alice in the looking glass experience.

But enough of that. I've been out looking at various apartments and largely I've been really disappointed. One that I went to see after dinner last night put me into a short lived funk - it was part of a run down century home that had been constantly rented out for the last 20 years and hadn't had a dime put back into it. And the amount of rent they wanted!!!! My feelings are pretty raw these days and that put me into a brief teary eyed despair.

UNTIL, that is, I arrived at the next one. It's the basement of a young couple's new home and it's bright, open concept, completely finished and very home-like. I made a good impression and called them back once I'd arrived back home to emphasize that this was where I wanted to be. There's a good amount of space for me, it's private and there is a good deal of storage space for those things that I don't use on a regular basis. The property is similar to ours; theirs backs on a shallow ravine and riverbed - a good place for walks. They have a 2 yr old daughter, Chloe, and a chocolate brown Lab who is friendly and well trained. They don't make their decision until Saturday so I must keep looking in the meantime.

Weather note: cold, grey, rainy. A big system out the American Midwest. At least we don't have to shovel it and we rarely get tornadoes here. Lord, bring on some sun and warmer temps, please!??!

I hope everything is going well for you out there in blogland. Later!!


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