Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Good News

I was starting to think that this part-time counselling work was not going to happen. There have been a few obstacles to be overcome but I received word tonight that there is a meeting scheduled with the case worker, foster mother, my contact person and myself for late tomorrow afternoon. The anticipation has been killing me; I've been chafing at the bit to get things underway. Here we go!! I have lots of ideas that I want to put into practice and it'll be interesting to see how things play out.

When that wraps up I'm to check out an apartment that a friend has and wants to share. The only problem is that it's fully furnished and I'd have to put most of my belongings into storage. The location is great, quality is very good and the price is affordable so I'll have to weigh the options - see what storage would cost.

Daughter Sarah returned a call earlier tonight and we spent a sweet half hour catching up on all the news. Monday happened to mark their (she and Daniel's) first anniversary since they started going out together and Daniel's parents had taken them out for a celebratory dinner. Sarah had been to her doctor earlier in the day and the baby is coming along fine and strong. She was saying that when the baby stretches you're able to see the movement tracing across her belly now. Her weight continues to fluctuate up and down but at least she isn't feeling continuously ill - says she only puked twice yesterday as though it's a major accomplishment. Beats the heck out of 8 or 10, I guess. Daniel got on the line for the last few minutes and he's a blast; we laughed our asses off. I'm looking forward to finally meeting him in person. They're just a five hour flight away.....sigh.

I called Lynda out on a couple of things she'd said and done lately; gave her proper hell really and then left her to think on it while I got cleaned up to come to work. I left the house with a hug, a kiss, an apology and best wishes for a good night. Being as I'm generally a pretty non-confrontational sort where it comes to the really sticky stuff I think that was a pretty good outcome. It beats stewing over issues and stuffing the emotions down. Clarity.

Of the CD's I've had a chance to listen to the only one I'm not too sure about so far is Appalachian Journey. On the first playing it seemed a fresh take on something old but second time through it also seemed a 'sterile' classical representation of music that should be livelier, looser and have more swing to it. Maybe it was the mood I was in - I'll have to put it on again and see how it sits.


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