Friday, May 25, 2007

Crazy Week

During my last night of work (Saturday) I came down with yet another cold so I've been trying to accommodate that while continuing to do things I know I have to do. I'm plugging away and not putting too much pressure on myself. Job searches, meetings, cold calls, part-time counselling work with Arlo, keeping in touch with family, friends and program people.

Lynda saw her lawyer yesterday and arrived home with the copies of the separation agreement and although I'll have to go over them with my lawyer they appear to be perfectly in line with what we've discussed. Very good! It certainly took awhile for me to accept what is happening but since then things have been really good on the homefront. A less acrimonious split is beyond my recall. We continue to spend substantial amounts of time together, work at things and talk of our potential future. I continue to have hope although I'm aware it could all be a pipe dream. Time will tell.

There are a couple of people out there for whom life has gone horribly wrong lately. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. It makes me realize that I'm truly fortunate; my reality could be so different, so much worse than it is. I'm blessed. You will make it through what you're facing, painful as it is. Hang in there.

Cousin BJ had mentioned 'Desiderata'. It's a piece I hadn't read for many years so I downloaded, printed off a copy and have added it to my daily readings. Since the first couple of times through I've been parsing it by the paragraph, sentence, phrase and word in order to get the fullest meaning from it. I'm open to any other suggestions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and Lynda kind of remind me of old friends that M and I just spent some time with recently. They were married when we first knew them. A few years after we moved away from where they live, they got divorced (which was something of a shock because they'd been married at least 20 years). But they still travel and do other things together all the time. In fact, I think they get along better as a divorced couple than they did as a married couple. You can tell they still love each other. It just somehow worked out better for them this way.

Of course I don't know how it will turn out for you and Lynda, but I do hope it will turn out for the best for you both. :)

2:34 PM, May 26, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

Remember that old song?'Accentuate the positive'. That's my focus for now and not get hung up in the legalities and negative influences of well meaning friends. People tend to advise to watch your back, and you're entitled to this and that...., play on upset and paranoia. I shut that out and foster hope for a future together...of some sort. Perhaps like your friends; we know a couple like that, too.

3:40 PM, May 26, 2007  

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