Sunday, May 20, 2007

Quiet Times

With the exception of one time consuming incident involving the police this has been a very quiet week. There really hasn't been much demanded of me; the guys have been going to bed and staying there - not up for smokes, drinks or talks; there have been very few phone calls - those few have mostly been from former clients or those seeking information about treatment. That said, I've managed to get caught up on a bunch of personal work and correspondence, and getting organized for the coming week.

At the beginning of the week I made a decision not to write(, or write very much) about Lynda and what's going on. Hey - I was successful in that for a change. We were on opposing shifts all week and didn't see each other until I arranged to meet her for dinner at her work on Friday night. She received a copy of the separation agreement via mail on Thursday; my set is in the mail now and I expect it Tuesday or Wednesday. She says it's in line with what we've discussed. If so, I can finally get on with looking for a new abode. This has really been dragged out but it wouldn't have been if I was driving it. Next week is going to be jammed as it's a short week (this is a long weekend for most.) I just hope I don't get a call-in to work, I'd likely have to turn them down.

I'm hoping to get my time shifted around quickly (it'll be by forcing it) back to days so as to be in tune with the rest of the world again. I've been making a point of carrying my camera and have made an effort to start taking some shots; it might take awhile to get my eye back in shape but I'm game. I know already there are a couple I'd like to post. Blogging and emails will probably be my wake up activity over coffee and cereal. There is some technical information that I'd like to lay hands on regarding digital photography and recent improvements on newer models. (I should also get out the instruction manual for the one I've got to see if I'm getting best use of it.) Maybe tweak a setting here or there and see if things don't improve. (UM...there's a nut loose on the shutter button)

I can see by re-reading this that I'm getting very tired and shouldn't be writing - it's all choppy so I'll sign off by wishing you a good week. I'll be around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm getting caught up with you again. Life has been hectic here in Sabbaticalville, with visits from friends. We went traveling over the weekend.

I hope your camera manual is better than mine. Whoever wrote the manual for the model I have must have figured the buyer would know what they're doing. This being my first digital camera, I have no idea what I'm doing and have had to learn by taking far too many pictures. LOL!

12:29 PM, May 21, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

Actually, I was going to ask you for some advise. Your shots have had such clarity, detail and rich colour. Do you use a tripod? a separate meter?
Good eye, girl!

9:33 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I chalk it up to the camera for the most part. It's surprisingly good for a mid-range camera.

The only time I use a tripod is when I take night shots (the night sky, the moon, fireworks, etc.). It's an absolute must for them because my hands are apparently not steady at night. (Nah, it's just that night shots require total stillness whereas day shots can afford a little wobble.)

Mostly, I point and click and hope for the best. But I do it about 50 times to get one good shot. That's the beauty of digital. :)

6:45 PM, May 24, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

Thanks for the pointers - I might upgrade as the prices are falling like crazy.
Mainly I think I have to be more patient and work a little harder at it to get what I'm after.
It'd be nice to get a digital that is compatible with the range of lens I have for my SLR.

7:18 AM, May 25, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

I followed through, dug out the manual and changed a couple of settings. We'll see if that makes a difference or not in how happy I am with the results.

8:00 AM, May 26, 2007  

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