Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Looking Forward..... going to bed. Between a mainly sleepless day, getting hand lotion in my eyes and staring at this computer screen for most of the night my poor eyes have about had it. My plan is to sleep as close to work time as possible, then make a mad dash out the door so I have just enough time to make it here. Plan B is to get up whenever I waken, take my time getting cleaned up and perhaps it's time to re-start the pack job. setting a new quit date for smoking. A couple of friends have been on my mind and so that thought keeps niggling away. I bought a carton today which, with a little discipline, will keep me going until the 28th of the month - that would be a reduction by half what I've been smoking for the last 6 weeks or so. My chest has been feeling 'heavy' and I'd be completely ticked at myself if I wind up compromising my health at this late stage of the game. If I can reduce, I'll start tracking with the tools I've downloaded from blogfriend Susan's site - - then set a date. Maybe tie it in with my sobriety date (??). moving. My realtor, mortgage broker and lawyer are all showing remarkable patience and for that I'm grateful. The lot of us are eager to get out of neutral, throw it in gear and lay rubber. I have a number of friends who have offered help and vehicles when the time finally comes. About the only things I'll be lacking are a sofa and chairs to sit on; everything else is pretty much covered. Oh...and a place to move to...a small detail. taking a holiday when this is all sorted out. A week long drive to nowhere in particular, a few days at my uncle's cottage, touring around to see family.....whatever; I'm gone. pursuing some personal interests. I've devoted a lot of time to working (which is fine; I love my work) and to AA commitments (owe my life to the program) but it's time for more education and some creative and fun time. I'm hoping to have some small space where I can work in various media and work out some ideas I've had rattling around for too long. Some of my NA friends have sports things going on as well as music jam nights. And, as for education, I'm feeling the need to strain my brain and try on some new ideas. World religions maybe. Actually I should take a writing course - I might get good at it someday. Who'dathunkit?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I chose my birthday as my quit date--then decided to move it back a day so my first 24 hours without cigarettes was a Monday. That way I'd be in a no-smoking environment most of the day.

Honest, Norm, setting the date can be more of an obstacle than actually going through it.

10:20 AM, May 16, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

You are so right about setting the date. I'm guilty of building in a ton of negative anticipation regarding that very thing. Just do it, as Nike says - then live with it.

1:30 AM, May 17, 2007  

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