Sunday, June 03, 2007


This is a very quick turnaround from just the other day but.....

Some time ago I said here that Lynda can take many things from me, everything except hope. I'm still sure of that. She hasn't taken it from me but as a result of recent events I have resigned it; it simply isn't realistic anymore to be hopeful. Sad.

This isn't a blanket statement but it's unlikely that I'll be referring to her again in these writings; not very much anyway. Maybe I should give her a pseudonym; how about 'Wonder Woman'?? As in: I 'Wonder' what happened to the 'Woman' I used to know? Cuz I haven't seen her lately.

More delays in Lynda getting her final legal appointment, which delays her mortgage application, which delays transfer of the land title, which means I'm not going anywhere very soon. It can't posssibly be soon enough.

**Update** She managed to get in to her lawyer today, Monday, and everything is signed off! To the bank Wednesday.**

I have options. Places where I can stay a few days at a time if things get seriously whacked. I'll be concentrating this week on packing (which I've been procrastinating about), squeezing in my part-time work and hitting lots of meetings, staying social and talking to the people I know.

It'll be a short week off as I'm filling in a couple of shifts at weeks end for the guy I share my job with - I'll be coming in for a 9 night stretch. 95+ hours. (Lord give me strength)


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