Tuesday, May 29, 2007

To Smoke....

....or not to smoke????

That's the question on my mind these days. It's been brought into sharp focus with the onset and duration of this blessed cold I've had for(ever) over a week. I'd describe how it has affected me but there's no sense getting gross.........use your imagination. It might have turned into bronchitis.

Now would be a good time to quit as you're supposed to be occupied so much as possible. I'm so overbooked each day this week I've left myself just 5 hours a day to sleep - the rest of the time is all laid out. (No rest for the wicked?)

The only thing preventing me from setting a firm quit date is the overall uncertainty of what the near future holds and the inherent pressures of a housing search and move. Not to mention the separation itself; I'm really not looking forward to all this. Big decisions, huge changes.

So, when and under what circumstances should I quit? I can't decide.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah well, that's the rub: You have to be the one to decide the when and where and all that good stuff.

My best advice: Quit when you feel truly ready to quit.

It seems to me that seriously thinking about quitting eventually leads one down the path to quitting. But if you're waiting for the Perfect Time, I don't think any such animal exists. Unfortunately, there are always reasons/excuses not to quit.

Good luck, Norm. :)

2:34 PM, May 29, 2007  
Blogger desertgolfer said...

Hiya, Norm. Sorry to hear that you've got the "sickies". This is exactly how I finally got quit - getting sick, yet again. Rather than type all the details here, I'm giving you links to my 2 and 3 year milestone speeches. My 4-year isn't up on the website yet. If you have a chance, go at least "lurk" on the forum and read some of the motivational and informational material. I know that you have some big things coming up in your life, but the reality is, there is no good time to quit, and there is no better time to quit. As you can see from reading Susan's blog, something always comes up that can thwart the quit. That's just life. At some point you will need (preferably "want") to live life without smoking. Being a non or ex-smoker does not keep life away from us, but the quality is ever so much better. Here's hoping that you'll take a moment to check out the links I've been giving you. All my best - Susie



10:54 PM, May 29, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

Both you ladies make excellent points: I'm on that path and there is no 'perfect' time.

When I'm sick seems to be the time I'm most highly motivated - I feel like I'm trying to breath under water and my chest is killing me from hacking.

Susie, I'll come lurk and check the links tonight

6:51 AM, May 30, 2007  

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