Thursday, June 07, 2007

Mixed Emotions..... being of service.

A gal I know slightly through the program called me early yesterday. Her physician's office had called her to see if she knew where they could refer a patient for treatment. I was able to provide her with contact info for our intake and assessment offices, and overall treatment and program info for her to convey back to the doctor.

I saw her at a meeting last night, at which she'd been reluctantly drafted to speak by my g'friend (and her sponsor) Audrey. She wound up doing a great job - not in her perception, but in everyone else's. We were talking afterward and as I was about to head for the car she stopped me to say that the doctor's office had contacted her again to say they'd acted on the information she'd given them and the patient is entering treatment tomorrow - either our location or the other men's residence in downtown Toronto. Now that was a 'feelgood' moment.

On the other hand....

I contacted a family member 'A' yesterday about their spouse 'B' and their ongoing abuse of alcohol. I'd witnessed yet another incident a couple of weeks ago that had been playing on my mind and decided I needed to act on it. There was no way to predict what the reaction might be but they were receptive and thankful not to be acting in isolation - and that's a huge relief. We're getting our heads together to see if we can't get an intervention happening and we're exploring whether formal treatment might be an option. 'B' is particularly resistant to looking at changing how he uses alcohol and if and when I get involved in this - it'll change the nature, for good or ill, of our relationship forever. That doesn't feel good at all but better to intervene than sit back and watch him die.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see why you'd have mixed emotions. Your decision to intervene was a tough and brave decision to make.

I hope it goes well.

4:58 PM, June 07, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

"A" has been living with this as a daily reality for a long, long time. Their voice isn't being heard; maybe a chorus will get through to 'B'.

11:39 PM, June 07, 2007  

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