Saturday, June 09, 2007

Wild Weather

Around dinner time, while I was looking at those townhomes, a line of severe storms passed through and left quite a mess in their wake. The wind seemed to come from all directions so trees would be bent one way, then tossed in another. They were twitching around so much and so quickly they looked artificially animated; a very strange sight.

We picked our moments in let-ups of the downpour to run from one unit to another. Dierdre took me around to see four of them in the same complex. The first 2 had a couple of things going for them but the last 2 showed better and would need less work; I'd consider putting an offer in on either but there are more in the area to see. It's all about price point, space, upgrades and finishes, and an early closing date. Definitely an early closing.

Driving home was quite a scene with the power knocked out and backups at every intersection as the signal lights were out, too. Branches, leaves and whole trees down everywhere. The storm stopped and skies cleared during the short time I was back home and then it socked right back in again with high winds and driving rain. I hung in at home until the power was restored but just as I left to come to work the sky looked really sick - that greeny/gray/purpley colour that tells you tornadoes are a possibility. During that drive I had one eye on the road; the other on the sky for funnels.


Blogger Kel said...

g'day norm
i've been having trouble getting into the comments box on your blog... hence the seeming silence

good to hear you're making progress in finding a new place to lay your hat

that weather sounds pretty freaky, i don't think i'd like living where funnels appear in the sky like that

as much as i love the wizard of oz, dorothy and toto, i have no desire to have a firsthand experience of riding a tornado

4:41 AM, June 10, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

g'day yerself Kel - good to hear from you! Not sure what the trouble might be other than Blogger shut me down for a few days.

The farther away from a tornado I can be is best for me - too powerful by half.

Progress, not perfection. Everything will come together in time; something to look forward to.

5:29 AM, June 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having done a version of Dorothy and the funnel cloud, I'm not anxious to ever experience it again. A tornado hit the building where I worked (this was years ago) and it was something I never want to relive, but it was pretty amazing stuff.

Makes me appreciate being alive. :)

Glad those storms didn't bring any funnels to you or to the Bogs.

8:46 PM, June 11, 2007  

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