fStop Friday
There are some things going on that aren't conducive to 'a writing frame of mind'. I do have a couple of new pictures to share however.

Sarah's first shot of Zepherin with eyes wide open.

Sarah with Zeph in his sling. She laughed as she said it might have been a good idea to wear something that didn't match the colour of the sling so closely.

Sarah's first shot of Zepherin with eyes wide open.

Sarah with Zeph in his sling. She laughed as she said it might have been a good idea to wear something that didn't match the colour of the sling so closely.
Awwww....Zeph is adorable. :)))
Yeah, isn't he!! I just wish we could go sooner; he'll be out of the real 'babyish' stage by the time we get there.
One day we could arrange an international play-date for Emma and Owen. I think they're around the same age(?)
Emma turned 2 in April. I think that's a grand idea. :)
Owen was 3 in February and he's a real gentleman. They're rare but I do have good ideas every now and then.
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