Friday, September 28, 2007


I'm Back!!!! Gawd - I'm in some sort of computer withdrawal. Really, really need a wireless connection and a notebook. Sarah has some computer problems and her operating system is Windows 95 (which is no longer compatible with many things apparently). I was able to check email with some difficulty but unable to post comments to the blog.

Lynda and I flew back into Toronto Wednesday evening, collected baggage and the car & made the trek through the city to Oshawa by about 7:30. By then we were starving so I took her to a favourite restaurant, The Keg, to celebrate an excellent trip and we gorged ourselves on prime rib roast and garlic mashed potatoes.

I made it home Thursday afternoon so I could get some work clothes, went to start up the computer and now mine won't boot up - drat and curses!!! There was no time to play about with it before coming to work so we shall see....

But hey; none of that is really important. Walking through the 'arrivals' gate at the airport and having Sarah hold Zeph out to me saying, 'Here Dad, meet your grandson.' - that was a beautiful thing. Not that I'm biased or anything but he's just the happiest, healthiest, handsomest baby on the entire planet. I'm hoping to post some pictures tomorrow night and prove my point, barring any more problems with cameras & computers. [and work circumstance. (walked into a bit of a mess tonight...)]

I'd had some regrets that we hadn't made it out there sooner but I'm glad we held off until now. Zeph is almost 8 weeks old so he isn't sleeping quite as much, he's bright and alert when he is awake, he grins, gurgles and wiggles in reaction to sights and sounds and being held. I managed to avoid diaper duty until Monday night but he got me with a good one when no one else was about. Just like riding a bike; some things you don't forget no matter how long it's been.

Zeph travels well too - we had that child all over downtown Vancouver through those 5 days. I don't think I've mentioned before but Daniel is a chef so he and Sarah took us to some terrific restaurants around town. First night Malaysian, second night Indian, third night some trendy grill, and on the fourth Daniel cooked - he's goooood. What else? Took in a couple of meetings - the first one was awful; the second much better. Daniel, his father, his uncle and I got in a round of golf - I played badly but had fun. Sarah, Zeph, Lynda and I did a bus tour of downtown Vancouver. It's a beautiful, vibrant city that is booming in preparation for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Time is short - thanks to all you regulars for continuing to check in and comment. Good to hear from you Patchouli & glad you rec'd my note. BJ - let me know how your trip was. Gotta go for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like an amazing time!!! Welcome Home!!!

9:03 AM, September 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Norm!

I'm glad you had such a fine trip. Just reading about your meeting with your grandson had me all weepy (in a good way, of course!). I know how those meeting are. :)

10:07 AM, September 28, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

Very nice to get away for such a terrific reason; also nice to sleep in my own bed again.

Must admit I might have shed a tear of joy or two myself Robin.

I'll have to start saving for the next can't be soon enough for me.

12:38 AM, September 29, 2007  

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