Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Life Is Good

Life is's's good.

I didn't post yesterday due to the fact I was weary and in a so-so mood. I guess with the shift change and being back at work so soon I was a little off kilter. Day shifts also draw a different sort of energy from you and I need to approach them with a different mindset. Through the course of the day I continued to hear from the guys how much they appreciated having the opportunity to hear Audrey speak Monday night - she made quite an impression and gave a lot of hope. You can't argue with someone who was once a hopeless drunk and has racked up 50 years sobriety.

With yesterday being the anniversary of 9/11 it was time to pause and reflect on one of the defining moments in human history.....and the resilience of America as a nation. I vividly recall the terrible unfolding of events on that day; the horror and anguish; that the unbelievable was indeed happening. What a terrible price paid by the victims and their families............

I had a pretty strong negative reaction to a comment left on a friend's blog regarding 9/11 and left a comment of my own which , of course, in hindsight wasn't very wise. Amends have been made all round and hopefully that's the end of it - I wasn't looking to get into a fire fight. I simply don't like politicizing where it comes to such an emotionally loaded occasion. Think what you like, just don't feel you need to share your views.

Today has been busy. A medical appointment, an hour with Lynda, a few hours of fun spent with Mom out and about town, a hurriedly cooked dinner and then off to run a meeting at the local detox. Five group members showed up to participate for the benefit of five patients. After the meeting I spent an hour with a new sponsee at a coffee shop getting a better read on where he is in life and his recovery. My clothes are out and my bag packed for this 26 hour shift tomorrow which sounds like it'll be a marathon. If things go as planned I'll have 3 admissions done before noon, 2 discharge interviews and a meeting run by 4 p.m. - wish me luck. Then it's catching up all the paper work and follow up phone calls throught the evening until I'm relieved at 11 p.m. Off to bed, back up at 6, run a counsellors meeting before I'm away around 9:30.

I think the balance of Friday will be a braindead, do a little housework and cooking sort of day. It's important to have a plan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Plans are good to have handy.

Today is my braindead day. It's been kind of nice to just veg out. :)

3:34 PM, September 13, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

You've had a rough couple of days - you were due. I hope all goes well for you and the family next week.

11:01 PM, September 13, 2007  

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