So, in no partiicular order because blogger is grinding away as it tries to upload pictures. These took about 10 minutes to post including a few time out errors. Above - the source for the icicles for the ice altar installations. The height of the overhanging snow is about 18 inches.

I lucked out snapping this one on my way to work from behind the steering wheel while driving as a number of vehicles were approaching. Initially during the storm the wind was from the west and temps were pretty mild; a few degrees below freezing. As the storm progressed the wind started to switch, blowing and gusting from the north strongly enough to uproot this tree frozen into the ground. Temps are diving; -10C now heading for -20C.

Before leaving for work yesterday from my patio door. I like the blue cast to this one.

Again from an upstairs bedroom window; yesterday after I got up in the afternoon. Not many people had bothered during the day to clear their cars off. I guess they were smart and stayed in. Like how the snow drifts right in tight to the cars??

From my living room - the fence, a shelf, solar lights. Looking out there now the level of snow on the shelf is up to the top rail of the fence.
The drive home this morning was relatively quick and easy. Roads have been plowed but as a result they are icy so I geared down and took it slow. The worst part was getting into the parking lot here and ramming the car into my uncleared spot. Should be fun getting it back out later.
These last few days have been wild weather-wise and hopefully I'll have something else to post about in days to come. The eastern sky is lightening now and skies are clear. Amen to that.
I need to be up early this afternoon to give Lynda a hand so I'm off to la-la land. Later - peace, love and groovy-ness.
Labels: photos, snow
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