Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bits & Pieces....

I didn't post last night as I had a couple of very lengthy calls from people seeking treatment; lots of details to cover; lots of upset regarding needing help. Around the time those wrapped up I dashed off an email to Sarah cuz Tuesday Zeph turned 7 months old. She replied right back and then called me. We spent half an hour on the line; Sarah was feeling lonely because her Mom had returned home yesterday morning after spending a long weekend with them. Zeph was awake for part of the call and I was yipping away at him on speakerphone - he babbled back. Sarah says he is up to 18 pounds already!!! Hurry up June!! I can't wait to see him again! S & D get married on summer solstice and S asked if Lynda and I would look after Zeph on their wedding night. Hell, yes!

Weather: we had enjoyed a couple of milder days accompanied by a fair bit of rain. The groundcover of snow diminished quite a bit - lots of run-off plus the rain made for some localized flooding in low lying areas. It was cooling off when I got up for the day and overcast. After I arrived at work this evening the snow machine kicked into gear again and there is 3 to 4 inches of fresh white stuff blowing about and drifting. It started with huge flakes the size of sparrows, changed to much finer flakes, then to ice pellets and now freezing rain. Should be fun getting home.

I had a relaxing start to the day as I didn't have to be at work until a little later. One of the phone calls I made was to Mom as I hadn't checked in with her for several days. I was heading out food shopping and wanted to know if she needed anything. 'No, I don't need anything but I'm glad you called. Did your sister call and let you know she's out of town on holiday? She left for Cuba this morning.' {[>?^&*<]} could have called and ensured Mom was covered. Frustrating....

The shopping got done....when I got to the register I asked for cash back along with my purchases. I checked my bank after getting to work and realized the cashier ripped me off for $10. She must have been operating under the illusion I have money to burn or something.

Lynda and I have been enjoying some long, late night phone calls as she's doing another week of afternoon shifts. We look forward to our time together and miss one another when we're apart. I'm trying as best I can to help her through some stuff she's dealing with these days - some days are better than others. The multiple weeks of afternoon shifts are for Milo's benefit to ensure he has proper care early in the day when he is most active.

Cousin BJ forwarded some info last week about one of our cousin's kids. He's in a band that has been very busy writing, rehearsing, recording and touring. They were featured in a radio broadcast last Thursday night and that concert performance is now available as a 'Concert on Demand' right here. I happened to be out at a meeting Thursday night and missed all but their last song. I'm checking it out now and they are pretty good; no bias here, of course. The guy holding the acoustic bass is the spitting image of his father.

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