The View From Here.....
After Lynda arrived home from work we were sitting talking and I was saying that since I quit smoking I have completely gotten away from observing the natural world..... I'm not popping out the door for a smoke every 30 to 60 minutes. As a result I've tended not to notice the moon phases or the constellations climbing the arc of the sky and falling in the west. One thing I haven't been able to ignore though when I get up in the afternoon or drive to work in the early evening is the fruit trees with their branches so heavily laden with blossoms. This seems to be an especially abundant year - or my eyes have been hungry for the sight of them. Toss up....
The weather gods have been teasing us in this part of the world; spring has firmly taken hold but..... we get a few mild fair days followed by yet another cold front and its accompanying rains. The cycles are seemingly a series of false starts - it reminds me of finding a smooth walking rhythm only to stub ones toe each time you start to clip along. All the usual spring flowers have made their appearance and have started shedding petals.
To and from work I pass one of this country's premier thoroughbred breeding (and boarding) operations and it is a joy passing field after fenced field full of glorious horse flesh. A lone stallion here, yearlings there, mares and foals, oooh a very pregnant mare over there - full term by the look of her, clusters of 2 and 3 year olds. I've angered other drivers more than once by dawdling along that route; almost wound up in the ditch a couple of times too, as I crane my neck around to check some detail. The fields and trees a singing vibrant green, acre upon acre of it.
Hmmmm.... maybe I'm noticing more of my surroundings than I thought.... cigarettes or no cigarettes.
Lynda was telling me about what an upsetting day it had been. There are just 8 of them in her department at the hospital and 2 of them got layoff notices today. While they all do similar work they are each responsible for different areas and how the remaining 6 will manage to make up the balance.... well, that remains to be seen. It seems a task not unlike Hercules and the Augean stables there on a good day.... nevermind this state of affairs.
The other day she and I slid quickly over to the townhouse for a check-in and to swap some possessions. I hadn't been there for a couple of weeks, well since I moved, and hadn't seen how stepson #3 had set things up. (pretty nice, not bad) So now, not only do I have all my original stuff still sitting in boxes but there is now another car load added to the pile. Sheesh! If I don't get at it soon it will all wind up at the curb, I'm sure. I haven't been taking a great many pictures but if I ever get the computer set up I'll post a few - this blog has definitely lacked colour lately.
Blog reads have been fascinating.....
Sarah is on the line - gotta go.
The weather gods have been teasing us in this part of the world; spring has firmly taken hold but..... we get a few mild fair days followed by yet another cold front and its accompanying rains. The cycles are seemingly a series of false starts - it reminds me of finding a smooth walking rhythm only to stub ones toe each time you start to clip along. All the usual spring flowers have made their appearance and have started shedding petals.
To and from work I pass one of this country's premier thoroughbred breeding (and boarding) operations and it is a joy passing field after fenced field full of glorious horse flesh. A lone stallion here, yearlings there, mares and foals, oooh a very pregnant mare over there - full term by the look of her, clusters of 2 and 3 year olds. I've angered other drivers more than once by dawdling along that route; almost wound up in the ditch a couple of times too, as I crane my neck around to check some detail. The fields and trees a singing vibrant green, acre upon acre of it.
Hmmmm.... maybe I'm noticing more of my surroundings than I thought.... cigarettes or no cigarettes.
Lynda was telling me about what an upsetting day it had been. There are just 8 of them in her department at the hospital and 2 of them got layoff notices today. While they all do similar work they are each responsible for different areas and how the remaining 6 will manage to make up the balance.... well, that remains to be seen. It seems a task not unlike Hercules and the Augean stables there on a good day.... nevermind this state of affairs.
The other day she and I slid quickly over to the townhouse for a check-in and to swap some possessions. I hadn't been there for a couple of weeks, well since I moved, and hadn't seen how stepson #3 had set things up. (pretty nice, not bad) So now, not only do I have all my original stuff still sitting in boxes but there is now another car load added to the pile. Sheesh! If I don't get at it soon it will all wind up at the curb, I'm sure. I haven't been taking a great many pictures but if I ever get the computer set up I'll post a few - this blog has definitely lacked colour lately.
Blog reads have been fascinating.....
Sarah is on the line - gotta go.
Oh, I donno. I thought the titivate thing was pretty freakin' interesting.
Other people's lives always seem more interesting to read about, at least for me, cus it's a different perspective, a different landscape. i get tired of my own tones sometimes.
Had I had the time and inclination I would have invested some time in the titivation of our yard. We have quite a crop of dandelions and thistles taking over the lawns.
On your other note I think I've spent too long in one spot - no little trips, no big trips, same cast of characters....
'Others' blogs provide some enrichment, a way of seeing ways of life somewhat foreign to mine. Thanks, cuz you help in that regard every time you post.
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