Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Anybody Out There??....

Wow!! Watch those traffic stats drop when you get too busy to post!!

My plan for a quiet week went completely out the window when I had a call Monday morning asking me to come in to work. I had to beg off for the Monday shift but agreed to a day shift yesterday and a 26 hour sleepover shift today. Once I run an early morning staff meeting I'm off again to see if I can accomplish anything on the homefront. Most of my stuff is still in boxes. (Sigh)

This has been a nice hour long break checking in on blog friends posts but it is time to get back to work.

Peace, love and groovyness to the peeps.


Blogger Kel said...

i always reckon unpacking boxes is more fun than packing, it's a new start, new placements, all good stuff

maybe one hour in blogland is the reward for each hour of unpacking ?

5:40 AM, May 08, 2008  
Blogger Norm said...

Too true - I'd prefer to unpack than pack. Now it's just a matter of finding places for things and arranging.
I like the reward idea but I don't think the blogging ratio will be that high. lol :)

6:42 AM, May 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope things calm down eventually.

1:46 PM, May 10, 2008  
Blogger Norm said...

Getting through one thing at a time and that is a good thing. Now the outdoors are calling with more distractions.... sunshine and yard work.

2:57 PM, May 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peace, love, and groovyness to you too, Norm.

10:15 PM, May 10, 2008  
Blogger Norm said...

It's a long time since the sixties and you're younger than I am so you shouldn't be any help but there is another i/y spelling ccase that baffles me.

'grooviness' just doesn't look right to me;

'groovyness' doesn't jive with rules of spelling as I recall them.

Anyway there is lots of all that good stuff around for everyone.

Peace, out!!

1:05 AM, May 12, 2008  

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