Nuthin' Doin'

So.... that photo software installation didn't go so well and I can't seem to find a way around the problem. Crap.
I did however get into my daughter's Facebook photo album and copy this picture of Zeph from a pool party they had last weekend. (I didn't know I could do that until just now.)
This has been a strange day - a real mix of weather - sunny, cloudy, grey, showers. A couple of hours reading, a couple on the computer, a few phone calls. My boss just ticked me right off with a last minute request that I completely rearrange my schedule for next week. 'Uh.... sorry John. Ask someone else.'... or try planning ahead for a change. My hands are tied here... I'm home alone.
Last night I called my uncle to wish him a happy 92nd birthday. Unfortunately 9 p.m. was past his bedtime so I talked with my cousin for a while instead. My cousin is the only other (extended) family member that I'm aware of who is in AA - he preceded me by 5 years.
One thing that definitely gave me a laugh today was the 'reveal' at Amuirin's 'Stop and Wander' where she dubbed a bunch of her blogbuddies with new names. Fallavine the Wise, here. Nice to meet'cha. (and nice to be included) Of course, once the initial impression has washed over paranoia creeps in. Is it some sort of ageism thing where wisdom is associated with advancing years? I am old enough to be her father. I do have another of those pesky birthdays coming up this month, after all. Nah, couldn't be. Stop complicating things and just enjoy. Okay....
If you think my desk is messy you should see it up here, meaningfully tapping his noggin.
I think wise can cross a lot of age barriers. Really, the weebles came up with much more meaning and connection in their names then I ever could of. I was just winging it.
Really cute kid.
Yes, you're way too young to be so wise.
That was a fun exercise you came up with - lots of anticip....... ation.
Very cute kid!
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