Saturday, December 02, 2006

Life Lessons

I've been seeing a number of posts on topics that are akin to one another lately; the state of being, being present, being authentic, change, readiness to change, motivation to change, and one about 'becoming'. That one gave me pause, something to consider. The whole 12 Step approach helps to keep you centred in the day and by working the steps you do change over time, incrementally. I'm aware of a huge shift over the last few years and so far I'm really happy with where I've gotten to mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I've also purposely not indulged in anticipation of the future because in the past that has been dangerous ground for me. I feel better able to handle that now. So...'becoming'....interesting.

If I take the accumulated change of the last few years as a base and extrapolate that into the future...I should be damned near perfect by the spring of 2010. LOL. No, seriously... the whole becoming thing has me wondering what I'll eventually grow to be in say 5 years, 10, 20. I like the prospects; I have hope so long as I'm willing to continue to change and grow.

Who are you 'becoming'?

A steal from (I think) Life on the Bogs - 'Without change, we would have no butterflies.'

Life served up a lesson tonight in the form of a power blackout that lasted for hours. At first I was frustrated at not being able to get at my work and of course there was no radio, no music, no one to talk to, no internet, no light to read by. Talk about personal inconvenience!! It's all about me, don't you know. I was sitting there in the dark for quite awhile, mind achurning and all of a sudden it hit me - just 'be'. There was nothing to be done about the situation - let it go. So for a while there I was quite content being a sentinel in the dark. Listening for our clients and at the ready to be of service if needed. Listening, breathing, feeling my heart rate slow.....calm.

I'm glad these outages don't happen very often but I'm sort of happy it did tonight.


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