Friday, December 01, 2006

The Long And Short Of It

.....I didn't get the job.

I found out when I got up Wednesday and so intentionally didn't blog about it last night. Upset? Angry? Sad? Yes, all of that and lots more. Not so much about the actual position but that I felt rejected and unappreciated. Fortunately I was able to have a good talk with the counsellor who was on shift with me last night and processed a lot of that. I guess in retrospect the thing that bothers me most is that I'd been made to feel, by more than one source, that the job was mine; it was a done deal. Hmmmm...don't count your chickens before they hatch.....

Anyway, through the night I submitted an application for another position within the organization. I have less chance of getting this one so I won't be holding my breath about it. It's a formality, an expression of interest and maintaining some visibility with the powers that be. We shall see.

I also have a proposition for my immediate boss to consider which is my most preferable option. Best boss I've ever had - if anyone can make it happen, he can.


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