Thursday, March 15, 2007

Talk, Talk, Talk

..........and Think, Think, Think.

There isn't a whole lot new except I'm just about talked out. I've had some lengthy conversations with Mom, Sarah, Sister Linda, my fave aunt, AA people, folks at work, my boss, my sponsees. Between times I think; think about all the options facing me. And there are a slew of them. I just picked up an idea from Michelle at 'seeking serenity' - house sitting for a period of time. It'd give me that all valuable time to sort out all the variables. I'm leery about jumping into anything that requires a long term commitment ( a lease, a job) when I have so many things up in the air. Ultimately I do have to choose but I don't like the time pressure.

I've spoken separately to both my stepsons living here. I thanked #2 for his financial help getting through this winter and wished him well with his plans to move on. He and I don't like one another and I think that freaked him out but it needed to be said. #3 is hurting and I told him my ears are available if he wants to talk. Also that I like our relationship and that it doesn't have to change. He came round later and asked what my plans are and offered to help me when I move.

The financial calculations haven't been made but I'm checking to see if I can make arrangements to buy Lynda's interest in the house. I'm not optimistic of the chances but that would be one solution. I'd have to take in boarders and I'm not sure at this stage of my life that I want to do that.

Sarah is all revved up - she wants Dad to move to Vancouver and is checking into work opportunities. We were on the phone last night for quite a while and I told her I'd think about it but not to get set on the idea. Go slow, girl.

Last night was the first night I didn't get out to a meeting; I just felt like a night in, relax and veg in front of the TV. But right now I really should go and get something accomplished.


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