Saturday, April 07, 2007

Spare Time

With it being an early onset to the weekend most of the staff cleared out early. Our bosses didn't even have to come in as it was a statutory holiday. We're experiencing a blip in the number of clients in-house; we're at only half capacity. There were a number who chose not to show for admission this week. One last run over the long weekend perhaps. In any case, it means a lighter workload for me and I was able to get my work out of the way quickly. It gave me an opportunity for some one-on-one time with a couple of guys who are struggling with portions of the program that have been presented to them. The guys settled quickly for the night and the phones have been strangely quiet so I've taken advantage and banged off a slew of emails.

Most of them have been in response to job leads or accommodation but there was one rather lengthy one to my blog buddys that said what needed to be said. Kudos. Actually, this is the most peaceful I've felt in a very long time; I should take a few minutes to appreciate that.

When I get up Saturday I'm heading to Mom's as my older brother Dave is in from up north. I'm passing some tools on to him that I inherited from Dad. I don't expect to have room for them and they might as well be being used. There will be time for a very quick visit before coming back to work.

We head out on the bus Saturday night to a local meeting where I hope to see my 'girlfriend' Audrey. She's 87 years of age and will celebrate 50 years of continuous sobriety in July. Grounded, wise, sensible, sensitive and funny. We were standing, talking the other night and she gave me an elbow in the ribs and said,' There's no love like old love, you know.' Then she laughed like hell and gave my shoulder a squeeze. What a doll. She was saying that she and her husband had marital problems when they were new in AA and struggling to stay sober. She came to the realization that they were both sick people but he seemed a little sicker than she. If he were to recover she needed to love him harder than ever and in doing so she got well. So did he. Lucky man.

By the time I get up Sunday L'il Owen and his parents will have arrived for a visit. When we've talked on the phone lately he's in such a hurry to say what's on his mind that he runs everything together and you can't make out what he's trying to say. Hopefully he'll slow down and relax when we're together so I can understand him. It's been way too long between visits again.

My boss has asked me to work a relief dayshift on Tuesday so I'm hoping I can get my internal clock turned around in a hurry. You know, so I'm cognizant of which planet I'm on and which end is up.........all that sort of stuff. And be able to properly run meetings, make sense of the incomprehensible....

The weather!!! Looks like we're in for a late spring as the cold continues to sweep down from the north. We keep getting light dustings of snow - nothing that'll last, but not far to the north they've got a foot of fresh snow. On TV last night they were showing the map of the US and all of Canada and the only warm temperatures were on the west coast. Incredibly large system. What's all this about global warming anyway??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering about the global warming, too. The lake effect snow machine just keeps cranking it out.

I received your email and will answer soon. We're going to visit our granddaughter this weekend (can you tell I'm excited??). :))

Enjoy your weekend and your time with Owen. Good luck changing your clock around. That's tough to do on short notice. And wear those bifocals. They work better that way. :)

10:21 AM, April 07, 2007  

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