Saturday, April 21, 2007


I accused a blog friend recently of being wise way beyond her years. So savvy; so in-tune,

An unknown third party asked if I had any words of wisdom for a friend we have in common. I've held off on that as I'm aware of my limitations, the situation, context of relationship and many other things.

So, what is wisdom? Good question. I know that I seek out the advise of particular people because I value their perspective and the ways in which they apply that which they know in their own lives. Sometimes it's a conscious choice on my part to seek them out; other times I'm drawn to them. Occasionally they seem to have been placed in my path randomly but with a purpose beyond my understanding. That has happened with spine-tingling regularity; I'm very fortunate.

Even the best intentioned words can be intrusive when they aren't solicited but if I had any particular advice.......... 1) Ensure you're in care of a medical doctor or therapist (preferably one who has known you long term) who will monitor your mental condition and progress during this transition through periods of change. Be honest with them. A short course of sedative medication might still be indicated.
2) Seeming paradoxes. Retreat, rest and heal. Stay in regular, frequent contact with those closest to you. Enjoy quiet times of recollection and reflection. Talk, talk, talk. Cry whenever you feel like it. Laugh, especially when you don't feel like it. Punch pillows. Walk arm in arm. Go to church. Swim; no will know you're crying. Eat simply. Shout at God; he can take it. Treat yourself to tasty meals and desserts. Don't drink. Pray. Make love; it affirms life. Avoid music; it's a huge emotional trigger. Allow yourself time to heal; be patient as there is no timetable.
3) Don't try to make sense of the incomprehensible. Don't ask 'what if.....?'
4) There are aspects and qualities about you that are inherently and uniquely 'you'. That's why people care for you so.

I have no idea if that amounts to anything approaching wisdom but that's the best I have to offer our friend. And please don't be offended by anything written above.


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