Friday, May 04, 2007

A Going Concern

Busy day, busy day. I'm really starting to feel the effects of having too many things on the go - I feel good and very much engaged in what's happening but I'm getting that haggard, red-rimmed eyes look. Usually when I'm on night shift I get at least a couple of days where I have 6 or 7 hours of solid sleep but that hasn't been happening. All week I've been running on about 4 hours of light daydreamy in-and-out stuff; as soon as I'm at all wakeful my mind starts up and I'm done. Might as well be up and doing, so I do.

Instead of calling him 'that teen ward' I'm going to create a name for him; how about Arlo, as in Guthrie, and it starts with 'A'. I picked Arlo up when he got off school and we headed for a local driving range to knock out a couple of buckets of balls. He'd never tried it before and I haven't played since Dad died a few years ago. I was never good at it but I was able to give him some basic pointers which he picked up on pretty quickly. When we'd finished we sat and got into our first serious talk about his use. I lead him through a series of points that he needs to consider; he seems to comprehend better than I was lead to believe he would. He has a couple of things to do for me before we meet again next week which should point up how much he is understanding and also how his memory is.

Lynda and I had a really good talk over dinner; it isn't as if she's possessed anymore or emotionally shut down. She's very much back to being as she used to be. It was an emotionally charged exchange on both sides with a lot of positive things being said. Of course the outcome isn't going to change but...some things just need saying. She definitely knows how I feel now; there shouldn't be any doubts left.

Then it was a quick change of clothes, out the door, picked up Mom and off to the theatre. I don't know when they did it but the production had been changed and instead of 'Witness For The Prosecution' we saw Agatha Christie's 'Mousetrap'. (Something about rights of production within a certain proximity) Anyway none of us had ever seen it before and it was really well done. Well acted and produced.

However, it did run long. By the time we'd run Mom back home and I'd dropped Lynda off, I was really late for work. I think I set a new time record door-to-door, driving way too fast , music cranked and chain-smoking. That bit of adrenaline payed off as I flew through all the paper work in about 20 minutes and then straight in to the rest of my duties around the house. I'm glad to have got it out of the way so I can relax until / unless one of the guys need me or the phone starts.

I was telling Lynda again tonight about my 86 year old girlfriend Audrey. She and I have run into each other at a couple of meetings this week and have enjoyed another couple of great talks together. Audrey has been including us in her prayers these last weeks. I guess the way I was talking about her made an impression on Lynda; she said she'd like to meet her one day. I told her all she has to do is show up at a meeting. Rimshot. Can't see her giving up a Saturday evening to do that.

The realtor is supposed to have 4 or 5 property appointments lined up for Friday afternoon starting at 3:30. All of them are on a line running roughly on the north/south main core of the city - one down near the lake, two midtown and two in the north end near where I used to live previous to this house. That should keep me out of mischief until near work time again. I'm looking for maximum bang for the buck - low price, property taxes and, if applicable, maintenance fees - and the most interior square footage. It's fine if they need some work; all I need is the time to do it. Something to look forward to.

It's time to wrap up the last of the work and get out of here soon. Later.


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