Accentuate The Positive
Mid afternoon I met a friend at this gallery to check out an exhibit I'd seen written up in the local paper. The gallery is a converted railway station (circa 1900) called appropriately enough, the Station Gallery. The exhibit was a number of stunning large format black and white photographs by Mary Ellen McQuay entitled Order inside Chaos. The concept coming from the effect of the 4 basic elements on our natural world. If I were to be in the position to choose just one to take home I'd be unable to do it - I'd have to take 4 or 5 to include my favourites. She's inspired me to dust of my SLR and 2 1/4" format cameras and get back into it again. To read a bit more about the show go to
How's your foundation? There have been days recently when mine fell a bit like this. This is a foundation wall of a barn from the original homestead where the conservation area is now. Likely about 150 years old. The conservation area?? It's coming - remember what I said about reverse order.
I can imagine the many hands gathering this deadfall wood on a variety of occasions making their contributions to this crude structure. If I'd had a bit more time I would have settled in for some reflective time - I had to settle for a quick picture.
An odd picture to take, perhaps but I liked the exposed earth and the organic shapes of the roots that had unbound themselves.
The area I was walking in is a wetlands conservation area - a marsh - on the north shore of Lake Ontario between the cities of Ajax and Whitby. It's a nesting area for swans, a variety of ducks and of course Canada geese. Just had to get a shot of this guy - he was just 3 feet away.
There are a number of these wooden walkways leading to lookout points so you're able to see nesting areas but still be somewhat removed from them. This is looking directly south toward the lake - it's just beyond the little gap in the middle of the shot where the low trees are; the breakwater.

What with all that's gone on recently I decided I was due for some down time so I took a much needed break. It was an active day but refreshing in that there was no time pressure to do anything. While I was walking the conservation area I got a call on my cell from one of my other group members, Al, checking up on me. He said I was wearing the strain on my face at our meeting Monday night and was I alright? Yes, brand new day but thanks for calling and asking. I'd already arranged to meet another member, Chester, at the gallery and we spent a full hour sitting in that one room looking at and discussing the photos.
Monday was a gawdawful day so, we won't talk about that. It's past and yesterday was a fresh start. The early part of the day was spent getting organized for the rest of the day; lining things up and making some calls.
I picked up my first paycheque for the work I've done with young 'Arlo'. While it isn't a great deal of money it is money that I didn't have previously; the experience itself is rewarding and of value to me. The couple I'm working through have a couple of young children and here's some of their artwork.
What with all that's gone on recently I decided I was due for some down time so I took a much needed break. It was an active day but refreshing in that there was no time pressure to do anything. While I was walking the conservation area I got a call on my cell from one of my other group members, Al, checking up on me. He said I was wearing the strain on my face at our meeting Monday night and was I alright? Yes, brand new day but thanks for calling and asking. I'd already arranged to meet another member, Chester, at the gallery and we spent a full hour sitting in that one room looking at and discussing the photos.
When I got home Lynda and I barbecued steaks and fried up potatoes, peppers, garlic and onions and had another good talk over dinner. My boss had contacted me and asked if I'd go up to the house for the evening and run the in-house alumni meeting, so I did that and we had a good turnout. I got the chance to meet our new admissions and help the on duty counsellor with a couple of things. He was having one of those nights; he'd have been pulling his hair out if he had any.
All in all a very good day. It was just what I needed; when I needed it. Once I get away from this computer I have another full one planned so I had better get on with it. Tonight my friend Lillian receives a medallion recognizing her 20 years of continuous sobriety.
I enjoyed your photo journey. :)
The way photos upload to Blogger is one of the reasons I moved to Wordpress. But Wordpress has its drawbacks as well so I guess there's no perfect place to blog.
I take a lot of photos of tree roots and the earth too. Often times the photograph doesn't pick up what my eye does, but I like having the visual memory of it.
It was a terrific way to spend a day - just roaming around in the car, walking and getting some visual and mental stimulation. Aaahhhh!!
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