Friday, May 11, 2007

What's Up???

Thursday was a busy one. I hadn't slept well Wednesday night as I'd had a few too many coffees at Lillian's medallion but I was up right around 5 to get ready for work. My boss had called to ask if could do a relief shift yesterday and I told him I was available for most of the normal working day. There were 2 admissions to do and I managed to get them in, settled relatively quickly and all their paperwork done by just after lunch.

Arlo and I had arranged to meet when his school day was over but after watching a couple of hundred students stream by and waiting for awhile it was apparent he wasn't going to show. I checked in with his vice principal and found he'd skipped his afternoon classes - he was on the loose. Back in the car and off to his birth mother's home - no Arlo. He's in trouble on all fronts now.

Quiet evening last night and off to bed early. I started in reading Patty Duke's autobiography, 'A Brilliant Madness' - her story of living with manic-depressive disorder. It looks like it'll be a good read.

I'd had a couple of meetings the other day with my lawyer trying very hard to expedite my end of this but now things are back in Lynda's hands and it's stalled again. It could be interpreted as a lack of will for the coup d'grace but I've given up trying to figure where her mind is at. I just wanted things wrapped up this week so I could get on with my housing search and purchase. Now I'm back on nights again starting Sunday meaning that I have to squish everything into those few hours between when I get up and have to be at work. Yeeesh!!

Spring has really sprung now - everything has greened right up, is sprouting and blooming. It's another bright, clear warm day so, I think I'll get out there and enjoy it. Ciao for now.


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