Saturday, May 05, 2007

Why Be Grateful?

By the time I arrived for work tonight I was played out. Same old, same old - not enough sleep, a number of important phone calls dealing with various things, running around town checking out potential housing with the realtor, a misunderstanding with Lynda. Then the counsellor I'm on with tonight was peppering me with questions about the homefront and brought up some work related issues including the raise fiasco. He succeeded in getting me completely wound up in the problems and then abruptly went to bed leaving me stewing. Thanks, bud - I'm trying to live in the solution.

Anyway, I wasn't going to post tonight with the frame of mind I was in but lo and behold....I got buzzing about the net checking out blog friend's sites and following links and once again found what I needed. Some fresh perspective, a lot of good writing and some laughs. That's the sort of thing that sustains, encourages and refreshes me. Bless you all for reminding me I do have lots to be grateful for.

Health, shelter, food, springtime, clear weather day and night, family near and far, close friends, the fellowship & program & sobriety, the natural world - flora, fauna, the heavens; being useful, able and willing, mobility..... and on,... etc,.... and so's neverending really.

Why be grateful?? Because life is to be appreciated, silly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful list, Norm. :)

10:10 AM, May 07, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

So much of life is perspective and attitude, isn't it? I do try but sometimes I find myself lacking and need to draw on people and things outside myself.

11:25 AM, May 07, 2007  

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