Saturday, July 14, 2007

Seems Like....

......every time I get on here to write something one of the clients is up needing one thing or another. (Which is fine as that's why I'm here, after all.) The house population is down a little but we have a few particularly sick individuals in treatment right now; a couple with personality disorders - bi-polar and schizophrenic; another couple with drug induced psychosis; one whose seizures aren't completely controlled by medication. Add to that the mix of personalities and backgrounds and it makes for an interesting work environment. It keeps me on my toes.

I didn't write last night because it was a busy one so when I had time I caught up on a few emails. Otherwise I had a braindead sort of night; loggy, overtired. Today started off well; I took my time getting up and about, then went over to the house to see the 3rd installment of the Harry Potter movies along with a tandoori pizza for my breakie / Lynda's dinner. I used to be able to figure out and envision how they were able to do most special effects in movies but not any more. There doesn't seem to be anything they can't do; if you can imagine it, they can put it on film.

Earlier this week as Lynda and I were driving between our two houses we passed over the major east-west highway (401) and the bridge was lined with cars, trucks and emergency services vehicles and all their occupants. They were waiting for a procession of armed services vehicles carrying the bodies of the 6 latest Canadian soldier casualties to pass beneath them. The 6 met their common end when their armoured vehicle ran over a roadside bomb. It was good to see so many civilian supporters out and quietly waiting with flags waving to see our men back home. From local news reports the bridge we passed over was just one of many where these spontaneous shows of support and respect happened. Afghanistan has claimed 67 Cdn soldiers lives since we got involved there.

For the first time in a few weeks I ran into my g'friend Audrey on Thursday night; she had attained 50 years of continuous sobriety the previous day. She decided not to accept her medallion until the fall so that her family can be here with her. We had a nice yack about that and I thanked her for her prayers on our behalf. She was happy to hear things are turning around for Lynda and I and gave me a big hug. She's 87 or 88, chuck full of life, cheer, wit and good sense. Audrey's nickname around here is 'The Boss' but she's anything but bossy. I'm looking forward to seeing her again Saturday night at her home group. It's my turn to chair at my home group meeting Monday night and I've lined up a speaker for whom I have a great deal of admiration; friend Heather. Women tend to be under-represented in AA so it's always good to have a really effective speaker for any female newcomers to identify with.

I'm running out of gas here so before I start talking about all our fine clear summer weather, I'd better sign off.


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