Sunday, October 07, 2007

Upcoming Plans.....

....would include lots and lots of rest. I got up today feeling like I might be getting a cold; not a good thing.

I think today when I get up we're having Thankgiving dinner. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, yams ... all that good stuff.

Monday, Lynda and I will work away at that weekend job we do. Then I have my home group meeting that night.

I'm hoping to hear Tuesday from the company I applied to last week regarding an interview. There is another ad I want to reply to for a job I would rather have - that application has to be in by Wednesday; I want to have mine there first thing Tuesday a.m.

As always, with this being my off week, I'm available for relief shifts. The atmosphere has been so much better here since the summer that I'd be glad to have a call-in.

I've had no word about a new computer; the guy who is doing it is worth a story himself one day but right now I'd just like him to get on with building it. My current set-up is barely functional and I haven't tried blogging on it. Some applications work - like 'gmail', and I'm able to do banking. Others don't - like 'hotmail'. Ah well, something to play with now that I'll have some free time.

If I'm not around, you know why. I'll be back.


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