Thursday, September 04, 2008


There are a couple of unexpected upsets happening on the homefront so I'm basically trying to fit time in with Sarah and Zeph around sleep and work. It doesn't leave much time for them but I had Zeph out for another walk today around the 'hood' and a leisurely perambulation of the back yard checking out the various plants and trees. 'Ooooooo......' It was almost too hot and sunny to have him out for long; almost.

I'm suffering from Lynda withdrawal. When I'm on this night shift she switches hers up for the benefit of the pets, making her work hours a quasi - late dayshift. What it means is we don't see one another all week. Come on Sunday.

Positive vibes and prayers are going out to a blog friend. Post again when things are good and you are ready. If you need to bend someones ear at an odd hour you should have my number around your inbox somewhere.

Heard tonight that one of our former clients was identified as the victim of murder. When he was here he had bragged about ripping off a couple of dealers. Just 22. Incredibly sad.

Time for home and bed - back in 12 hours.


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