Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Story - Part I

*This is my entry for Kel's contest at xfacta - check her site for details*

Once upon a time, not so very long ago there lived a maiden named Marian. Fair complected, dark of hair, she hailed from Wales born in the mid 1920's. Living in London as a widow after her first husband, a seaman, went down with his ship courtesy of a German torpedo. Enter lanky, raw boned Canadian trooper, Ernie, who spies young widow in a dance hall and decides before having spoken to her that she will be his always. She is a looker who loves to laugh and dance and sing. After much wooing and late night walks and talks he proposes; she accepts without too much protestation. When war is won and he is de-mobbed he comes home, finds work, sets up house and awaits her arrival. Without too much delay she arrives, a Canadian war bride, and begins her life anew.

The first few years are rough. Ernie is a high energy, high maintenance sort of guy. Her female neighbours resent her as she's taken an available young man - too few in those days - she is foreign and speaks with an accent, so she has few close friends. In time though things settle down into a routine at home and along come the children; 2 daughters and then a son. And so it goes, infancy, toddler, early school years, primary graduation, teen years and high school. All the while living frugally; shopping the specials, buying in bulk, sewing their clothes. She also takes on sewing jobs; she can sew a fine seam. Ernie works two jobs and fishes regularily, hunts occassionally to feed them. There are some good family times when the extended family drive and meet in a country meadow for a picnic. A little fishing, hang a dart board in a tree, drink a bit of beer. Sandwiches and salad days.

To be continued...


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