Thursday, January 04, 2007

Hiatus / Limbo

Hi all - Happy 2007! It's been so long since I posted that it seems a daunting task to try and play catch up - so I won't do that in a big way. I've been checking in on blog friends and doing a quick read as time allows. Let's just say the last few weeks have been frenetic activity interspersed with brain-dead exhaustion. Home and family, work and work functions, AA meetings and special holiday events.....the list goes on. Yesterday I had my days mixed up and missed a commitment with a sponsee - thought it was Tuesday and hey! it wasn't - it was Wednesday! Hate it when that happens.

I managed to run myself down enough that I'm starting the year off with a head cold - I spent all day yesterday in my housecoat, had a nice long hot bath, listened to some tunes, napped, cooked and went to bed early. Feeling about the same today but I have things to do as I'm back to work tomorrow. It's just a cold and will be gone soon.

One particularily nice thing that happened was that the book arrived from Australia courtesy of Kel at xfacta. (Gloat, brag, carry on a bit....) Kel has a short story published in it and I won the book after submitting an entry to a challenge that Kel put out. My entry, will I hope, serve as a draft to be expanded on at a later date so as to do their story justice - it's a choppy read, as is. Thanks Kel for sending the book; it's something to treasure.

Just had an email from daughter Sarah and she's having some trouble with this early stage of pregnancy. Nausea to the point of loosing significant weight, wild mood swings - mostly negative, isolating.....Any memories of that sort of thing ladies?? Her due date is Aug 14.

On my 'to do' list - sort out my camera problems so I can start to post some pictures. I may have to reinstall the camera software to my hard-drive - something ain't right here. Lynda took a couple of cool B&W shots that are worth sharing. I've been having a giggle figuring out an I.D. shot for this blog that will allow me to retain my anonymity - face drawn on a brown paper bag; photo with face partly obscured - we shall see. Seems a shame tho to deny you my incredibly good looks - LOL. (no comment from you JPW) LOL some more!

Kel - I hope your back settles down quickly. Been there, done it, hated it.
Michelle - Glad you enjoyed your company; sorry your workload is so great. Get out and enjoy the warmth and sunshine.
Robin - Happy you and M enjoyed the holidays back at the bogs. Stay in touch.
Glen - Keep writing buddy. Every time I check your site I come away with something. Something great.
JPW - We must talk. I'll call/you call. Whatever works.


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Blogger Kel said...

glad the book arrived safe and sound

looking forward to seeing your "incognito" ID shot :)

5:47 PM, January 04, 2007  
Blogger Norm said...

Yes Kel - it looks like it'll be an enjoyable read. I'm looking forward to sitting down and checking it out completely. I've only read your story so far.(which of course was excellant!)

10:25 AM, January 06, 2007  

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