Friday, December 15, 2006

A Blessed Event

First off - in my last post I was having quite a day; a very busy-minded day. It continued until about 5 pm when I checked my email inbox and found a message that completely changed my outlook and overall perspective on things. A pause to reflect on all the good life has to offer. What was it???

My daughter Sarah, who recently got engaged, thought she'd been suffering from a prolonged case of the flu. Turns out it ain't the flu - she's pregnant!! I have only the scantest of details; with the time difference we've been having difficulty connecting by phone. So, I haven't a due date or anything as yet. I'm hoping to hear from her tonight and get caught up.

Other than that it's been an incredibly busy week. These last few days filling in for a sick co-worker have been good but draining. Lynda and I have been trying to mix getting some downtime with getting things done around the house and finalizing Christmas plans.

Right now I'm going to spend a bit of time reading up on my fave blogs and see whats new with everyone. Ta!


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